Chicken Crescents

I made these yesterday, but I did not have any chicken, so I decided to substitute the chicken for hamburger. That may sound funny, but I think that they turned out well still! I shared with my roommates and they liked them too (and they would tell me if they didn't like them:) I will definitely make them again. They are not only good, but easy to make too:)

Here's the recipe:

1/4 cup butter or margarine
2 cans Pillsbury Crescents
1 can cream of chicken soup
8 oz. cream cheese
1-2 cups cubed, cooked chicken (or 1/2 lb- 1 lb of hamburger). I forgot to measure exactly how much I put in. I just put the hamburger in until it looked like enough. Also I put taco seasoning in the hamburger when I cooked it, but I think it would still taste good without it.

Melt butter and cream cheese together. Add cooked chicken or hamburger. Place spoonful of cream cheese/ chicken (or hamburger) mixture at wide end of the crescent and roll it up. Place all crescents on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake at 375 degrees fahrenheit for about 10 minutes. Serve warm with hot cream of chicken soup poured over like gravy.
I also put crushed pineapple on top of the cream of chicken and it was so good too! It sounds weird, but it's yummy!

You can be creative with this recipe. I know my sister makes hers completely different from this recipe, but still uses the basic ingredients. Some time I want to try putting mashed potatoes and onions and cheese in the middle and see if it turns out.
