Summer Vegetable Roesti

Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook says it perfectly in her Pancakes on Parade announcement. "Flapjacks, crepes, pajeon, dosa, blini, tortillas, crespelle, jian bing, pikelets, ataif, blintzes, banh cuon, palacinka, injera...the varieties are as endless as the cooks who prepare them and the countries they hail from."

I personally LOVE pancakes of all kinds dripping in maple syrup, slathered in butter or an overabundance of fresh fruit. Growing up in Southern Ontario corn pancakes or fritters are a treat and being of British extraction just give me a plate of pikelets with butter oozing from every nook and cranny and I am in heaven!!!!!!!!! So how could I not participate in this event!!!!!!!
One of my favourites is a potato pancake, latke, name it. I am after all a potato lover extraordinaire!!!
Before I get to the recipe I would like to thank my blog sister Ivy of Kopiaste for bestowing the Giant Bear Hug award upon me. We have been friends for a while now and I have always appreciated her thoughtfulness and kind-hearted nature. She opens up her kitchen and her heart to us on a daily basis. Ivy lives in Athens, Greece and has many exciting Greek and Cypriot dishes to share that she lovingly prepares for her family and friends. I am very glad that I have had the chance to know her better. If you haven't had a chance to visit her site Kopiaste please take the time to browse. You will certainly be very happy that you did!!!!!!!

I need to pass on a Great Big Bear Hug (perhaps a Canadian black bear or the Kermode Bear hug to make it real). I am passing this award on to the first five people who commented on my last post simply because it is too hard to choose from all you wonderful friends out there. Ivy was also one of the first, but, it goes unsaid that she should receive a great big bear hug from me too!!!
Cathy of Noble Pig
Now to the recipe.............

**Summer Vegetable Roesti (Rosti)**

4 baking potatoes, peeled
salt and freshly ground pepper
3/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1/2 cup shredded zucchini
1/2 cup cooked corn kernels
2 T chopped fresh basil
2 T vegetable oil
In saucepan of boiling water, cook potatoes for 8 - 10 minutes; drain and let cool. I am told by the true master roesti makers to let the potatoes sit overnight in the fridge. Grate into a bowl. Sprinkle with 1/4 tsp each salt and pepper; toss gently. In separate bowl, stir together cheese, zucchini, corn, basil and a pinch each of salt and pepper. In a 9-inch nonstick skillet, heat half of the oil over medium heat, swirling to coat pan. Add half of the potatoes; pat to spread evenly. Spread with cheese mixture, leaving border uncovered. Top with remaining potatoes, patting down and pressing edge to seal. Cook for about 12 minutes or until bottom is golden and crusty.Using a wooden spatula and shaking pan gently, loosen roesti from pan. Invert flat plate on skillet. Using oven mitts and holding plate and skillet together, invert roesti onto plate. Return skillet to heat; adding remaining oil, swirling to coat pan. Slide roesti back into skillet, browned side up; cook for about 10 minutes longer or until bottom is golden and crusty.
Serves 4