Favourite Foods # 2- Greek Yogurt with Walnuts & Honey

I am starting my Saturday morning with one of my favourite breakfast foods. In keeping with the train of thought I have so far in 2008 (with my first favourite food of mashed potatoes with Boursin cheese) I present Greek Yogurt with Walnuts & Honey.

When I was in Greece I must have had this, or a version of this with fresh fruit and honey, every single morning. I had it waiting for our caique to take us to a volcanic island,... I had it overlooking the Agean Sea on the island of Kea from my balcony... I had it before a long hike to a monastery in a small village in the mountains....to make a long story short I had it every morning, at every hotel and guest house I stayed in during the 5 weeks I was there. I fell in love with the Greek yogurt which is very different in taste and texture from our standard fare here in the wild, wild west.

At the newest grocery chain venture here I found some yogurt by Liberte called Mediterranee. There is also a Balkan yogurt that I can find once in a while that also comes very close to the flavours I remember. Maybe you really need the warm sea breezes and the sunshine to get the flavour just right.

But...since we are in the throws of winter here in Canada I will close my eyes and take a virtual trip to Greece with every luscious and creamy mouthful of yogurt for my breakfast. There is absolutely no recipe needed for this.

1) Place yogurt in bowl.

2) Sprinkle with walnuts (or sometimes fresh fruit)

3) Drizzle with honey (preferably Greek honey as I have here from the island of Kea..perhaps someone can tell me what the label says on the jar...what kind of honey is it?!!!).....I am told it is thyme honey...makes sense when Kea's landscape was covered in wild thyme....

4) Close your eyes..and dream.....