A MEME.....

Sarah over at "What Smells So Good" http://yummysmells.blogspot.com/ has tagged me for a quest to "Name Yourself". It has taken a day, or maybe two, to get my mind back in gear after the long drive through the mountains over the weekend but I finally finished the challenge. Here are the rules:

Players, you must list one fact, word or tidbit that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your first or middle name.
When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own first or middle name game facts, word or tidbit.
At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
So if I've tagged YOU, please join in on the fun!

My name : Valerie

V - The valleygirl ( I live in a valley) has a fascination for volcanoes. In the last few years I have planned my vacations around destinations where I can hike or view volcanoes. I drove to Mount St. Helen's in Washington state, but it rained for 4 days straight ,so, we couldn't get a good view. I planned it around a shopping spree to Seattle of course with my daughter so all was not lost. When I travelled to Greece last Spring I visited Santorini, not for the most beautiful sunsets, but for the island of Nea Kemeni off the caldera. My next visit to Mexico with be to Manzanillo where I can take a trip to see the volcano in Colima. I am also planning a trip to Italy to tour the Eolian Islands and Vulcano and Etna as well as Pompeii on the coast.

A - Could A be for abs of steel??? I wish!!! It could be for two separate things. The fact that I consider myself to be adventurous in my travels. I also love amber. My home has many amber coloured accents. I love the semi-precious stone as well. When on Santorini my eyes bugged out at all the beautiful amber necklaces, bracelets and trinkets on display in the city of Fira.

L - "L" is for Latitude Fifty a blended wine that I love to sip from a local winery. Grey Monk has some excellent wines as do the other over 70 wineries in the valley as well.

E - I was born in Eastern Canada in the province of Ontario. The town is now called Cambridge (Galt, Preston & Hespeler were amalgamated in the 1970's). All of my family still live there.

R - I am a receptionist in a doctor's office. My job entails more than that of course, but that is what it says in my job description. I have worked there for 10 years . It is a great place to work!!! We are like a family because most of us have worked there for years...the longest being 24 years.

I- I am talking about Italy once again. That is the destination I would like to travel next. A friend is renting a villa in the Spring and I would love to visit Tuscany, attend a culinary cooking school/adventure on the Amalfi Coast and visit the volcanic islands I mentioned earlier as well as Pompeii.

E- "E" is for exercise. I don't particularly enjoy exercising as in situps and sweat but I do belong to a walking club here in town. Walking poles keep me walking straight with excellent posture and give me momentum to get up some of those hills. We walk in several parks and on hiking trails in the area. I also walk with some friends along the Greenway and up Knox Mountain.

Now I have to tag one person for each letter of my name. That may be a little harder, but here goes:

V - Vanessa at http://www.whatgeekseat.com/wordpress
A- Annie at http://annieseats.blogspot.com/
L - Lis at La Mia Cucina http://llcskitchen.blogspot.com/
E - Don't know anyone with the letter "E" so will tag Holler at http://tinnedtomatoes.blogspot.com/
R - Ruth at http://onceuponafeast.blogspot.com/
I- Ivonne - http://www.creampuffsinvenice.ca/
E - Once again don't know anyone who starts with an "E" so will tag Nora at http://lifesmorgasbord.blogspot.com/

This MEME was fun to do and a bit of a challenge with my brain in a fog. My tagging you does not mean that you need to participate if you don't care to. I know that people are tagged quite often and there are not enough hours in the day to participate in everything!!!