Panko Crusted Chicken Lollipops.....Perfect Picnic Food

The valley-girl is back home. Life is back to abnormal with my daughter away at university. It was an emotional and bittersweet weekend..but life changes are inevitable aren't they? Life moves forward to this new chapter in our lives. My daughter will enrich her life with new friends and interesting studies...and me...well.. I will have to come up with something!!!! Wink...wink....I can do a lot of blogging!!!

The university made the transition as easy as possible despite the 5 hour drive with a car full to the brim. When I picked my daughter up I really had my doubts whether that huge mound (I do not exaggerate in the least) could fit into my little Cavalier. Every nook and cranny was jam packed and I saw the pile of belongings on the sidewalk diminish quickly. Once on the open road I had to rely very heavily on my mirrors and try and stay in the left hand lane as much as possible. It wasn't so bad on the mountain highways for 4 hours, but, a little nerve racking once we hit the major city. I wasn't the only one full to the brim so that was comforting. Once we arrived there was an army of volunteer students to help you unload your stuff and cart it up to your room. They had a catered lunch available as well with all the fixings!!! I know that my daughter will have an amazing year . Thank goodness for e-mail and Skype!!!!

I already posted one of our favourite picnic salads. Now here is the recipe for the Chicken Lollipops. I made a quick Chipotle Mayonnaise that I have made on several other posts and we were all set. My daughter made Garlic Lemon Hummus as well with flatbreads. Then there were the mini cheesecakes of course that I have previously mentioned.

The "lollipops" were not the easiest to photograph and make look tempting, but, believe me they were very tasty. They make perfect picnic fare!!! I was limited on time and had to get packing.

**Panko Crusted Chicken Lollipops**
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, sliced into 1/2
1/2 cup flour (125 ml)
2 eggs
2 cups panko crumbs (500 mL) Note: I used 1 cup Italian breadcrumbs added to the Panko
3 T cilantro, chopped (or herbs of your choice)
1/4 tsp salt
pinch of pepper
8-inch bamboo skewers

Chipotle Mayonnaise for dipping

Soak bamboo skewers in water for 1 hour to prevent burning when cooking.
Preheat oven to 350F.
Thread chicken onto bamboo skewers and set aside.
Place flour, eggs and breadcrumbs in 3 separtate bowls. Whisk eggs lightly and season with salt and pepper.
Add the chopped cilantro to the breadcrumbs.
Dredge chicken in flour, shake off excess, then dip into egg, letting excess drip off. Evenly coat with breadcrumbs. Arrange chicken in a single layer on baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray or lined with parchment paper.
Bake chicken lollipops in 350F oven for 20 - 25 minutes. Allow to cool on racks to keep crisp.

Serve with dipping sauce.

Serves 4 very hungry people.