Passing on Awards....

"The Thoughtful Blogger Award is for those who answer blog comments, emails, and make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others’ feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous. Also for those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping other bloggers design, improve, and fix their sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others.”

Nora over at has honored me with the "Thoughtful Blogger Award". The weekend has been rather an emotional and exhausting time getting my daughter off to university. I must say, to the school's credit, they made the transition very easy. They were very organized and hundreds of student volunteers with carts to take your belongings up to your dorm room. They even provided a catered lunch with all the fixings. Imagine my delight after driving 5 hours back home to be honored in such a way!!! I had a little bit of an abandonment issue, so, it was nice to feel that someone out there in the blogging world thought I was kind and helpful. I have enjoyed blogging and "meeting" all my fellow foodies that have the same passion for food, life and cookbooks that I do.

So, in the tradition of kindness and caring I am passing the award on to several fellow bloggers. Pass it on if you like or cherish it and know that you are well thought of. There are so many of you that it is hard to choose. Many of you I have not had the opportunity to find on the blogosphere as yet. Keep up the great work!!!!!

And the nominees are:

Holler at
and the Queen of kindness and courteousness herself Jenn at

There are so many deserving bloggees out there...and I have just travelled 5 hours. My mind is still in a fog. I will check this blog in the morning for mistakes. Good night one and all!!!