Chill Out with Peach Schappsicles

Well we are back to the over top summer temperatures and trying to keep cool every which way we can. I am on vacation at the moment, but, not headed anywhere exciting or interesting. But hey... I live in a valley where tourists flock to hit our beaches. They wake board, para sail, hit our over 50 wineries, golf courses, etc. You name it is I guess I am being a "tourist in my own town".
Since I am on vacation I have taken up drinking. Hic!! I do not totally deny it but I usually just imbibe in a glass of wine once in a while with dinner...wink..wink..... of my all time favourite drinks is a Bellini. The wonderful frozen slushy kind that I have mentioned on this site before. Since I was going to become a tourist in my own town I purchased a huge bag of frozen mango/peaches from Costco. Nothing is small from Costco lets face it! Well I have tried and failed to make Bellini's at home. I tried once again today but was not really very happy with the results. It just tasted like peach/mango puree so the texture was not correct. The best ones are still at Joey's Global Grill!!!! The girls and I will just have to continue in our search for the best Bellini's in town when we go out to dinner! But what do I do with all this wonderful frozen goodness in my blender. Well....make adult popsicles. No...not X-rated, but, with alcohol.
And so the schnappsicle is invented!!
I cannot take credit for this invention as I found the recipe in a magazine recently. I think it was Homemakers, but, can't be totally sure. To my puree I added lemon juice and sugar as the recipe calls for. Fruity goodness!!
**Peach Schnappsicles**
1-1/2 cups (375 mL) peeled pitted frozen peaches (or mango/peach combo)
1/3 cup (75 mL) peach schnapps
1/4 cup (60 mL) lemon juice
2 T granulated sugar
In blender, puree together peaches, schnapps, lemon juice, sugar and 1/4 to 1/2 cup water (60 - 120 mL), ensuring sugar is thoroughly dissolved.
Pour into Popsicle molds, insert sticks, and freeze until solid, about 4 hours.
Makes 8 schnappsicles with 65 calories per pop
You can also make:
**Watermelon Citrus Cooler Pops**
2 cups (500 mL) cubed seeded watermelon
1/4 cup (60 mL) lemon juice
2 T lime juice
1/4 cup (60 mL) granulated sugar
1/4 cup (60 mL) vodka
Instructions the same.
About 52 calories each
**Minty Orange Campari Pops**
1-3/4 cups (425 mL) orange juice
1/3 cup (75 mL) lime juice
24 (approximately) mint leaves
1/2 cup (125 mL) Campari or Pimm's No. 1
Stir together juices. In each Popsicle mold place 3 mint leaves, each torn into 3 - 4 pieces.
Pour 1 T Campari into each mold. Top with juices. Insert sticks. Freeze.
About 52 calories each
**Strawberry Daiquiri Pops**
3 cups (750 mL) hulled strawberries
1/3 cup (75 mL) rum
1/4 cup (60 mL) granulated sugar
3 T lime juice
Instructions the same.
About 62 calories each