Menu 9/13-9/19

The kids are finally back to school, which means means we're reestablishing routines and trying to figure out what works and what doesn't in our new schedule.  I'm enjoying the extra time in the afternoon to prep for dinner, but struggling with how crammed dinner seems in our evening routine.  Here's another week of menus! 
--Avocado Chicken Salad in pita bread

Tuesday--Taco Casserole

Wednesday--Blueberry Lemon Muffins
Feta Pasta Bake (new)

Thursday--Tomatillo and Chicken Tostadas
Friday--Bruschetta Pizza

Saturday-- Caramel Rolls

Zucchini Soup
Sunday--Spinach Lasagna (new recipe)
French Peasant Bread

Chocolate Chip "Pizzookies"
Go check Organizing Junkie for lots more Menu Plans!
