Crystal's pretzel sandwiches

My good friend Crystal made these lovely pretzel sandwiches, and I immediately had to ask her how she did it. If you're looking for something easy to make this holiday season, this fits the bill.
Square pretzels:
  • 1 bag rolos
  • chocolate for dipping (I used both white and milk)
  • Sprinkles
Preheat the oven to 350.
Arrange the pretzels on a baking sheet, and remove wrappers from all of the rolos. Place one candy on top of each pretzel.
Place in oven for 3-6 minutes, until the chocolate gets shiny. (watch them close, you don't want them to melt). Take out of oven, place another pretzel on top of candy and press down to squish slightly. Let cool. Then melt chocolate, and dip the whole pretzel sandwich. Decorate as you see fit.