Friday Favorite Finds

Happy Friday, everyone!!  Thanks to everyone who participated last week in our Friday Favorite Finds -- we had 14 people link up their lists of recipes they bookmarked during the week!  I don't know about you, but I love finding new-to-me recipes from these list.  And, I enjoy seeing the types of recipes that you all bookmark - it's helping me get to know you even more.  

Here's what recipes made my list:

{Back to the Cutting Board}

Cherry-Rhubarb Fool

{How Sweet It Is}

{Delicious Discoveries}

{Coupon Cookin'}

025 300x169 Lemon Rhubarb Crumble Muffins


Lemon Pie from WhipperBerry copy

{Lamberts Lately}

{Mom on a Mission}

{all photos are from recipe creators!}

If you were featured here this week, grab the button below!

Now it's your turn!  Link up a post that includes a list of the recipes you've bookmarked or added to your "to-try" pile this week!