Breakfast Quesadillas

Early in the morning, as the sun streams into my kitchen, we tried a new breakfast - ready in minutes.  

A scrambled egg with cheese inside two tortillas toasted until warm and crunchy.  A delicious start to the day.  

Breakfast Quesadillas - Adapted from Lynn's Kitchen Adventure
{Serves 1-2}

2 tortillas {we love homemade whole wheat}
2 eggs
1/4 C cheddar cheese
{fillings, as desired}

In a large skillet, scramble up the eggs; season with salt and pepper as they cook.  If you're have any additions, like bacon, peppers, mushrooms, etc., saute these first and then scramble the eggs.

Place the scrambled eggs in the center of a tortilla.  Place the tortilla on a hot griddle heated to 250-300 degrees.  Sprinkle with cheese.

Cover with a second tortilla and cook until warmed throughout and the tortillas are slightly browned.

Use a pizza cutter to cut the tortilla into 6 wedges.  Serve warm.