Rice Krispies

For Bible study two weeks ago, I made Rice Krispie bars.

These bars are nothing super special, just a treat that we hadn't had in a long time.

I know... marshmallows and rice cereal isn't that great for you, but every once and a while we splurge.

When I pulled my box of cereal out, I was shocked to not see their recipe on the box! One phone call to my mom solved that problem -- and thus, why you are seeing this recipe here. I'm pretty sure everyone has this recipe somewhere, and now I do too.

Rice Krispie Bars - Adapted from Kelloggs

6 C rice krispie cereal
1 (~10 oz) package marshmallows
3 T butter

Begin by melting the butter in a large sauce pan over medium heat.  

When the butter is nearly all melted, add in the marshmallows.  Stir continuously, as they melt.  

Once the marshmallows have melted, stir in the cereal.  

Carefully {so as not to crush the cereal} and quickly, stir the cereal until it is well coated.  

Scoop cereal mix into a lightly greased 9x13 glass baking dish.  Press (using a lightly oiled hand or spatula) the cereal in tightly.  

Allow the bars to sit for 30-60 minutes before slicing and serving. 

Next time, I'm aiming to try this recipe using brown rice puffs and homemade marshmallows. We'll see how that goes :)