Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Topped Brownies

Once upon a time a very nice friend stopped by with a plate of treats for me.  I was supposed to only be eating treats once-a-week, but once I laid my eyes on these freshly baked goodies, there was no way I was waiting and risking them getting eaten before I had a chance.  I figured that since I'm trying to cut down, that I'd only eat half of what I'd normally eat, so I cut all the pieces in half, then ate just half the plate.  Yes, I willpower is admirable. 

 It wasn't very long later, that I was obsessing over how much I enjoyed my previous exercise in self-moderation with these brownies, that I decided to try and make them again (you know for more willpower practice...)  I was sure that I could easily reproduce them myself, so I just used my own brownie and cookie dough recipes.  FAIL.  They were too rich even for me.   Alas after two unsuccessful tries (both too rich), I gave up and just asked my friend Angela for her recipe, then of course had to make them one more time just to make sure I remembered how good they were.  Finally SUCCESS! Now lucky you!  You get to reap the benefits of Angela's kindness and my OCD need to perfect my willpower (and for finding a new treat worthy of posting here on Recipe Shoebox).   Enjoy!!!!

Oh yay, I love a happy ending {and a good dessert}! 
Click here for printable recipe. 

The ingredients:

1 9x13-inch pan of baked brownies  (your favorite recipe or mix--Betty Crocker dark chocolate brownie mix was good.)
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
3 Tbs. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
pinch of salt
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

Bake brownies as per directed, adding a cup of dark chocolate chips to the batter, if desired.     Mix together cookie ingredients until well-combined.  Spread over cooled brownies.  Makes 24 very evil brownies!



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