Whole Wheat Carrot Zucchini Cake

Even though the snow piles in our yard are still here, it is officially SPRING.

One of my all-time favorite spring desserts is this whole wheat carrot zucchini cake with cream cheese frosting.

In addition to the veggies in this cake, using whole wheat flour and applesauce adds a great deal of nutritional goodness to this dessert.  It's hard to feel bad eating a slice, knowing I'm getting carrots, zucchini, apples and whole grains in every bite.  

If you're looking for a great Easter dessert, this is it!  It's been a hit every time we've made it.  

Recipe Link: Whole Wheat Carrot Zucchini Cake


Linked to: Totally Tasty Tuesday, Sweet Tooth Friday, Sweets for a Saturday, Saturday Night Special, Ingredient Spotlight