Cooking Light Virtual Supper Club Celebrates with Corn

Creamed Corn with Bacon and Leeks

We are so glad you have decided to join us once again for our Cooking Light Virtual Supper Club. This is a monthly event where 5 ladies in two neighbouring countries get together to create a delicious meal with a theme in mind. We are now in our second year and continue to share a love for Cooking Light magazine which has an emphasis on healthy eating and living. The idea is simple because of our common interest in cooking and healthy cuisine. We love to share these ideas with you each and every month through our Virtual Supper Club. This is a team effort where we combine what Cooking Light readers like best...good food with great company!!!!This months theme "A Celebration of Corn" was chosen by Sandi of The Whistestop Cafe.

Before we move on to the recipes there have been a few changes here at the Virtual Supper Club. Long time member Shelby of The Life and Loves of Grumpy's Honeybunch has moved over to a vegan lifestyle as well as made some other major changes in her life. We wish you all the best Shelby!!! Also we must say goodbye to Patsy of Family, Friends and Food who is concentrating on her family, PAC meetings and life in general. We wish you both well ladies!

Now on to this months menu where we have a lineup that will leave you wanting more from old friends and new.

Long time member Jamie of Moms Cooking Club starts us off with a pan of  Double Cornbread What more could we ask for than this comforting dish. But it doesn't stop there!

We would like to introduce you to Mary Ann of  Meet Me in the Kitchen. For her very first dish for our Virtual Supper Club our newest member packs in some flavour with a tasty Greens with Roasted Corn and Pepper Salad. Combine all ingredients an hour before dinner, then finish assembling the salad just before serving. This was a delicious way to start off Mary Ann.

 Sandi of The Whistlestop Cafe, being a true Southern gal, has chosen a showstopping main dish of Curried Corn Crab Cakes from the pages of Cooking Light. Lump crab meat, corn, and curry spices combine to make a delicious entree. This has that WOW factor Sandy!

I decided to round out the meal with a classic dish of Creamed Corn with Bacon and Leeks. Fresh creamed corn is nothing like the toothless stuff from a can, even if I am a fan ot the canned variety.  The kernels are plump and full of corn flavour. Easy and quick to prepare this is an especially delicious side dish for chicken or pork. When I think of late summer or early fall no vegetable is more synonymous with the season than freshly picked corn on the cob. Although corn is now available in markets year-round, it is the locally grown varieties that you can purchase from your local farmers that not only taste the best but are usually the least expensive.

Our own mothers and grandmothers were the "Paula Deen's" of their day. They never used margarine since butter was the only thing available in their kitchen. If the recipe called for milk, cream would make it better. "Calorie" or "fat" content were added to their list of "swear words" and they were never even a consideration when it came to cooking. I am here to tell you that you can make this rich side dish "light". When you tasted this creamed corn you will know it is a perfect fit for your repertoire of cooking sensations. This dish is old-fashioned but simple and memorable. The uncomplicated sweet delicacy of fresh, juicy corn is the secret.

And finally we would like to welcome back our long time member Helene of La Cuisine de'Helene who has relocated to Eastern Canada to be close to her family. Welcome back Helene!!!! Helene consulted with her kids and decided upon Lemon Cornmeal Cookies.

Here is my recipe from the pages of Cooking Light....

**Creamed Corn with Bacon and Leeks**
from Cooking Light

6 ears corn
2 cups 1% low-fat milk
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
4 slices bacon
1 cup chopped leek

Cut kernels from ears of corn to measure 3 cups. Using the dull side of a knife blade, scrape milk and remaining pulp from cobs into a bowl. Place 1 1/2 cups kernels, low-fat milk, cornstarch, sugar, salt, and pepper in a food processor; process until smooth, scraping sides.

Cook bacon in a large cast-iron skillet over medium heat until crisp, turning once. Remove the bacon from pan, reserving 1 teaspoon drippings in pan; crumble bacon. Add leek to pan, and cook 2 minutes or until tender, stirring constantly. Add pureed corn mixture, remaining 1 1/2 cups corn kernels, and corn milk mixture to pan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer for 3 minutes or until slightly thick, stirring constantly. Sprinkle with the crumbled bacon just before serving.

Serves 6

Join us this month by linking to our posts with a healthy dish that fits into this months theme as we explore this ancient staple with a menu that celebrates this seasonal ingredient.