Grilled Caprese Chicken Burgers

Grilled Caprese Chicken Burger

Is there anything that says summer and the backyard barbecue more than a juicy burger? When making beef burgers I feel that simplest and unadorned is best. Add a little water or wine to the meat, shape and barbecue. The burger will get additional flavouring from the toppings you choose to add.

Chicken has a much blander flavour and in my humble opinion needs an extra boost of flavour when grilled... the sultry, smoky char-broiled taste of grilling not withstanding.  If the ground chicken breast were left alone it would not stand up and be counted, so, therefore I added more robust flavours like fresh basil, sun-dried tomatoes and Parmesan cheese to add that flavour punch. In the case of this chicken burger the bocconcini cheese and basil toppings are a compliment and do not overpower the flavour of the chicken burger. Chicken burgers have a tendency to dry out when grilling so the key to a moist juicy chicken burger is two-fold...add egg as a binder and make your patties thinner so that they won't be over the intense heat of the grill for too long. You could also use chicken thighs.

A nice break from typical hamburgers, and much healthier for you, these chicken burgers are flavourful,  simple to make, and quite delicious. They didn't make it to my Is My Face Red (and White) Canada Day menu simply because the menu was already carb-heavy. This burger definitely has that WOW factor and can be served to your family or guests with pride!! What you have is a well-balanced marriage of flavours.

 This burger is "heart healthy"so eat to your hearts content!" I will definitely be making this burger again. Enjoy your weekend and happy grilling!

**Grilled Caprese Chicken Burgers**

1 4-oz/125 g ball bocconcini cheese, sliced into 4 pieces
1 sun-ripened tomato, sliced into 4 pieces
4 fresh basil leaves per burger (12)
4 hamburger buns


1 1lb (454 g) boneless, skinless chicken, ground
1 egg
1 tablespoon (15 mL) water
1/2 small onion, grated
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/3 cup (75 mL) grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup (50 mL) dry bread crumbs
2 tablespoons(25 mL) chopped fresh basil
2 tablespoons(25 mL) oil packed sun dried tomatoes, finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon (1 mL) salt and pepper

In large bowl, beat egg with water; stir in onion, garlic, Parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, basil, sun-dried tomatoes, salt and pepper. Mix in ground chicken. Shape into four 1/2-inch (3 cm) thick patties. Refrigerate at least one hour for flavours to blend and for the burgers to firm up slightly.

Place patties on greased grill over medium heat; close lid and grill. Turn over. When you turn over your patties top with slices of bocconcini cheese and arrange 4 basil leaves in a pattern as pictured above. Grill until digital thermometer inserted sideways into centre reads 165°F (74°C), 10 to 12 minutes.

Top with tomato and serve in hamburger bun.

Serves 4

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