Sweet Potato Gnocchi

I've never made gnocchi before.

In fact, I hadn't ever heard of it, save for coming across a few recipes for it over the past couple of months.

Thus, I actually pronounced the "g" in gnocchi when I told Frog Prince what we were having for dinner.


Apparently, as my colleague explained, the "g" is silent... like "g-nome".

Either way, these potato dumplings were tasty!

And, the recipe came from a former swimmer of mine.  She's all grown up now, cooking and living on her own... hard to believe she was once a little 7th grader in my pool!  She served it with sauted garlic spinach and toasted walnuts... {which would likely be tasty, but, since ingesting nuts would kill me, I opted for a creamy sauce}.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi - From Hanna

2 medium sweet potatoes
1 egg
~2 1/2 C white wheat flour
dash of nutmeg

Creamy Parmesan Sauce - SnoWhite

8 oz. mushrooms, sliced
1 T butter or olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
3/4 C whipping cream
1/4 C Parmesan cheese
salt and pepper, to taste

Begin by boiling the sweet potatoes (I did this the night before).

Scoop out the potato and smash.  You may need to add just a little bit of water to keep the mash moist.

Add the egg and nutmeg to the sweet potato mash.

Add the flour, 1/2 C at a time to the sweet potato mixture.

 I used my mixer to "knead" the flour into the sweet potato mash.

The dough should be workable, but will be a little sticky when you've added in all the flour.

Generously flour your workspace, and then roll out the dough into "snakes" about 1 inch in diameter.  

Cut the dough into sections about 1/4 inch thick.

Bring a large stockpot of salted water to a boil.  Add in gnocchi pieces in batches.

Boil for ~4 minutes (gnocchi will float when done).

Remove from the water with a slotted spoon.

For the sauce.... saute the mushrooms with garlic in a little olive oil (or butter) until tender.

Add in the cream and heat well.

Remove from the heat and add the cheese, allowing the heat from the mushroom mix to melt the cheese.

Serve gnocchi with sauce and peas or spinach.

Makes a lot of gnocchi. ~5 C prepared.

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