Tomato Topped Beef Polpetti

Tomato Topped Beef Polpetti

I am taking a cue from Kevin over at Closet Cooking and cleaning out my freezer in preparation for a fresh new season.  Meat and chicken seem to be overflowing from the recesses of the freezer and taking over so it is time to move forward! As mentioned in my last post we are still in between seasons so comfort food may still show up here on MTBT from time to time before barbecue season hits full force. You just know that here in Canada, just like the postal service, we don't let a little Spring weather stop us from enjoying a good old-fashioned "barbie". Anyone that knows me also knows that I have been known to barbecue in the dead of winter wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket,  touque and utensils in hand and flipping burgers for 12? Well, let's just say it happens.
 This dish today could easily be accomplished on the barbecue, but, since we are a little chilled today I opted for slow roasting in the oven. There was something about roasting the beef  in the oven topped with a juicy tomato that just appealed to me today. The sun is very deceiving with the above 25C weather lately, but why are my toes so cold?

On another note, to start fresh I am also back to pole-walking and hiking the trails here in the valley. My goal is to get back to the days when I was walking up Knox Mountain and was much fitter than I am today. Once the hot stifling weather of summer sets in I usually walk at night when it is cooler. There always seem to be a slight breeze that sets into the valley in the early evening which make it perfect for walking. We remember the nights mid-summer when it stays light until 9:30 or more so there are plenty of hours in the day to have a comforting supper, clean up and still have time for a stroll. You heard it here on more excer-scuses!!!!

Pole-walking seems to come hand in hand with taking a better look at what I serve at the dinner table and reducing my carb intake with less bread and "white" foods. I do love my potatoes and Italian bread. I am of the opinion that lowering my carbs doesn't mean leaving out potato, bread and pasta altogether but just eating them in moderation. It has worked well for me in the past and it will work again. I strive to consume fresh natural foods and ingredients as much as possible. Processed foods are often high in carbohydrates, fat and calories. Most importantly become a locavore and support your local producers or you will have no choice but to buy produce from other countries at a high cost, and picked before their peak of freshness. Can you imagine never experiencing the juice of a pear running down your arm ever again....

There is plenty happening in the next few weeks here at MTBT so the less time spent in the kitchen the better. So many plans!!! L'il Burnt Toast will be back from university for a few weeks before the summer session begins. She wants to finish school sooner while juggling volunteering at a community care home gardens and part time work. Next weekend I am heading to Seattle with my friend who does the "Shop Till You Drop Weekends"...and 137 other women!!!In true "foodie style" I have gathered a few Seattle area bloggers that I look forward to meeting to take a tour with my friend Jan Marie of Seattle Bite Tours at Pike Place Market. Plus a fabulous once in a life time dinner with another Seattle blogger. It is also the Spring Wine Festival the first week of May. But more about all of that later.

Let's move on to this dish. I served this juicy bunless-burger with yam fries and a spinach salad. You would enjoy it too!

**Tomato Topped Beef Polpetti (Patties)**

1 egg
1/4 cup(50 mL) dry bread crumbs
1/4  cup(50 mL)  grated onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
2  (25 mL) chopped fresh parsley
1/2  (2 mL) salt
1/2  (2 mL) pepper
1/4  (1 mL) hot pepper sauce
1/4 (1 mL) Worcestershire sauce
1 1lb  (454 g) lean ground beef
2 plum tomatoes, thinly sliced
1/4) (1 mL) dried thyme
1/4  (1 mL) dried oregano

In a bowl, beat egg; mix in bread crumbs, onion, garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, hot pepper sauce and Worcestershire sauce. Mix in beef. Shape into four 1/2-inch (1 cm) thick patties. Place on foil-lined rimmed baking sheet. Top with tomato slices; sprinkle with thyme and oregano.

Roast in 400°F (200°C) oven until meat thermometer inserted sideways registers 160°F (71°C), about 25 minutes.

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