Gluten-Free Banana Bread

About 2 years ago, my MIL was diagnosed with celiac. This means she can't have any wheat (or barley), and dairy. While she'd been dairy-free for years, going wheat free has been an adventure. One recipe she shared with me while visiting for Christmas was for this gluten-free banana bread.

Doesn't it look wonderful?!
My MIL makes this bread often, and enjoys it for breakfast.

Gluten Free Banana Bread - From my MIL

2 C gluten-free flour mix*
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. xanthan gum
1/8 tsp. salt
1 stick unsalted butter (try replacing 1/4 with apple sauce)
1 C sugar (you can use brown sugar and reduce to 3/4 C)
2 eggs
3 ripe bananas; peeled and mashed

*My MIL buys GF flour in bulk --

So this is what we used in the banana bread.

First, combine the flour, soda, salt and xanthan gum in a large bowl. Mix well.

Meanwhile, using a mixer, cream together butter (or margarine/shortening in my MIL's case) and sugar.

Add eggs, one at a time.

While the egg/sugar mixture mixes... mash up the bananas.

Add the bananas to the sugar blend.

Then, mix in the GF flour blend.

Pour batter into one greased 9x5 bread pan, or into 2 smaller loaf pans.

Bake at 350 for 1 hour, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

This post is linked to Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays.