Daily Grind: Wheat Bread

As is now readily apparent, I get my love of bread from my mom.  While visiting her last week, we tried out a new artisan bread from the 200 Fast and Easy Artisan Breads Book.

This recipe went together really easy and made some delicious bread. We made rolls, and wheat French bread from this recipe.

Daily Grind: Wheat Bread - 200 Fast and Easy Artisan Breads

4 1/2 C all purpose/bread flour
2 C Whole Wheat flour
2 T instant, or bread machine yeast
1 1/2 T fine sea salt
3 C warm water (~100 F)

Measure out the flour by spooning it into a measuring cup.

Then, add salt and yeast, stirring with a whisk to combine.

Next, add in the warm water (about 100 F),

Stir about 40 strokes using a wooden spoon.  When you're done, the dough should be sticky and stuck together in one lump.

Cover and let rise at room temperature for about 2 hours.

Refrigerate for up to 3 days.

When you're ready to make a bread... (about 1.5 hours before dinner)

1) Flour your hands and the top of the dough.

2) Cut/tear off a hunk the size of a large grapefruit

3) Shape into a loaf or into rolls, as you desire.  Do this shaping very quickly!

4) Allow the dough to rise on a baking stone or lightly greased cookie sheet for about 40 minutes.

5) Preheat the oven to 450 and pull out your boiler tray or a metal pan.

6) When the oven is hot, insert the boiler tray with 1 C warm water into your oven.  Or, place the water in a metal plan and place it on the bottom shelf in your oven.

7) Slide in the bread and bake for 35ish minutes until a nice crust forms.  Refrain from opening the oven to check on the bread... it will let the precious steam escape.

To keep bread fresh (i.e., having a crusty crust), simply place the cut-side down, and cover lightly with a towel.
