Have you ever wondered how far flying pot pie goo can travel? Me neither. Yet, sadly, I found out last night. The answer is 5 or 6 feet.
Its on the walls. Its on my pictures ...
its on the kitchen door ...
and on the refrigerator. Its on my jeans and in my hair. Don't even ask about my socks.
Why it even traveled a not insubstantial distance into the dining room. I get the feeling I'll be finding spots of this pie well into the New Year.
~insert string of the most vile profanity imaginable here~
Indeed, I dropped the gd pie while transferring it to the fridge. It hit the deck and hit it hard! This is what happens when I'm trying to do too many things at once. Above (top picture) you can see my lovingly crafted pie ... that's the "before" shot. This ...
is the "after". I am not amused.
For the record, its a turkey pot pie and it was spectacular. I had a slice before the disaster occurred ... the husband was not so fortunate. He had take-out. Ole.
So there you have it, proof positive I'm completely human. I'll post the recipe sometime next week. Really, I'm just looking for sympathy here. ;)
Tip of the Day: a bench scraper is indispensable for cleaning up pot pie goo. You heard it here first.
Bon appetite!