Green White Elephant Exchange!

Two posts in one day is pretty unusual for me, but its a big day! Laura, of Hey What's for Dinner Mom?, decided to host a blogger's gift exchange this year ... only this one has a little twist. Instead of purchasing a gift for another blogger, we were charged with re-gifting our assigned recipient! Hence the name: Green White Elephant Exchange ... its green because we are recycling unused items of our own and giving them a new home. How cool is that?

Laura asked us each a few personal questions, so the gift-givers could learn a little bit more about their intended recipients, then she paired us up. Fittingly, my recipient is Mo Diva of Food Snob. I sent her my never-used copy of Cooking at De Gustibus - a wonderful cookbook from my collection that is brand new. I also passed on to her a necklace, given to me as a gift and never worn, that needed a good home. I hope you enjoy them, Mo Diva!

As for me, I was delighted to find out that my secret gift-giver was Heather, of Heather in SF, whom I met this September at BlogHer Food! Such a special treat to be given a gift from a new friend ... and what a lovely gift too! You can see my treats pictured above: two beautiful, plush Christmas hand towels with adorable appliques, and a sweet little stocking ornament that Heather knit herself!

I don't know if you know this about me, Heather, but I truly cherish all things Christmas and that goes double for ornaments. In fact, when we decorate our tree, we don't just hang the ornaments all willy-nilly - no sir! Instead, I tell the story of each ornament before it gets hung. They are stories we've heard again and again, but that doesn't matter - its the telling that matters, the remembering that counts. From now on, you will be part of that tradition. I will think of you each year when I decorate, with the towels and the ornament, and our story will be told. Thank you, Heather, you couldn't have chosen a better gift for me!

You can read about the rest of the Green White Elephant Exchange via the links on Laura's post today. I can't wait to see the rest of the big reveal!

And a big thank you to my friend Laura as well. What a lovely experience this has been and I hope we'll make it a tradition. :)

Love, Hugs and Happy Holidays to you both!
