A Holiday Package from President's Choice and Loblaw's

As a member of BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine's project View and Review I was excited when I had the opportunity to receive products from the Loblaw's corporation. View and Review is a fun aspect of BloggerAid-CFF where our members have the opportunity to review cookbooks and products from the world over. All work and no play makes us all a little dull so we all get together and have a little fun while continuing to raise awareness for world famine.  After all, most of our members are food bloggers and what's more important than food!!!!

While food is at the heart of their offerings, Loblaws's stores offer a continually growing and successful wide range of products and services to meet your everyday household needs. Here in the West they are under the banner of Canadian Superstore and various other banners Canadawide such as Zehr's, Fortino's, Dominion or No Frills. They are committed to providing a one-stop shopping destination to meet your food and household needs through their quality food and general merchandise products, drugstore and financial products and services, along with their control brand program including the unique President's Choice, No Name and Joe Fresh Style brands.

The President's Choice concept was developed by a talented group of food-inspired people who knew back in the mid-80s that Canadians deserved better quality food choices for their hard-earned dollars. The premise was simple which was to develop unique or superior products that offered better value to their shoppers. The idea may have been simple, but few could have anticipated how Canadian consumers would come to embrace the President's Choice brand to make it one of Canada's best-known trademarks then and now. They just celebrated their 25th Anniversary of their President's Choice® brand.

The holidays are a very busy time and it is not over yet!!!!! We cook, we bake, we clean all to make the holiday season perfect for our loved ones, so,  it is wonderful to have your cupboard or pantry filled with some holiday survival products from President's Choice. Products that will enhance the flavours of your party dishes or premade foods that make your entertaining a stress-free reality. As part of my package I received some PC Double Chocolate Covered Almonds with Peppermint. I had some friends over for lunch with their granddaughter just before Christmas and what I heard from them is that they loved these crunchy almonds which are covered in a layer of rich dark chocolate under a minty white chocolate coating. They are the perfect sweet holiday treat and they said they loved them more than the regular chocolate covered almonds you buy at the grocers. I think Presidents Choice has a winner!!!!!We couldn't get their granddaughter to stop eating them they were so addictive!!!!

I also received some Truffles dusted with cocoa powder and some Maple Butter Fudge, a crumbly, old-fashioned delight made with real butter and Quebec maple syrup. I was proud to include both of these treats with my tray of sweet offerings over the holidays. The fudge especially is an all-time favourite!!!They look perfect with the other goodies on the cookie tray!!!

I also received a jar of Pad Thai Sauce which made cooking inbetween holiday meals a breeze. Here is their recipe from their website for some Pad Thai using their delicious sauce. The making of a good Pad Thai is quite easy with a pre-made sauce. There are some alternative recipes for salmon and veggies… but Pad Thai is so quick and good, you must try it. Stir fry some chicken chunks in a wok after boiling some rice noodles and putting the noodles to the side. When the chicken is cooked through, add the noodles and sauce. Stir ingredients together and crack an egg into the wok while stirring. Once cooked through, plate with some chopped green onions, fresh bean sprouts and a squeeze of lime. Sit back and enjoy with a nice Reisling or Gewürztraminer…. It will certainly become one of your food routines as well!

With my Pad Thai Sauce I started out by using ingredients I already had on hand by making:

** Ginger-Lime Marinated Chicken Skewers**

 Combine Pad Thai Sauce, juice of 2 limes, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger. Add 1- 1/2 pounds diced chicken breast (scallops or peeled and deveined shrimp) in a medium bowl, and marinate for up to 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Drain marinade into a saucepan; thread chicken or seafood on skewers. Grill or broil using medium heat, turning shrimp in 1 to 2 minutes (when it turns pink), scallops in 2 to 3 minutes and chicken in 5 - 6 minutes. Meanwhile, bring marinade to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes or until the sauce begins to thicken. Serve as a dipping sauce for the skewers. Garnish with chopped peanuts, basil or cilantro if desired.

They are also a company with a heart and work hard with their President's Choice Children's Charity® (PC Children's Charity) which is dedicated to helping children who are physically or developmentally challenged. According to their web site their aim is to remove some of the obstacles that make everyday living extremely difficult and to provide young people with a renewed sense of dignity, independence and freedom.

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