Dark chocolate, cinnamon and hazelnut truffles

Chocolate, cinnamon and hazelnut truffles / Trufas de chocolate, canela e avelã

A quick look at my sweet recipe index and you'll notice that I don’t make truffles very often – I love working with chocolate, but mostly stick with cookies and cakes. To me, truffles are such a special treat they call for a special occasion as well – like that gorgeous pair of shoes you’ll only wear on your birthday or anniversary. :)

These were made for a special someone, a dear friend of mine who happens to be crazy about shoes, too – let’s just say that her last name could pretty much be Bradshaw. :)

Chocolate, cinnamon and hazelnut truffles / Trufas de chocolate, canela e avelã

Dark chocolate, cinnamon and hazelnut truffles
from DH mag #42
  • 450g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), chopped
  • 1 ¼ cups (300ml) heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 40 hazelnuts, roasted*
  • 1 cup (90g) cocoa powder

Place the chocolate, cream and cinnamon in a saucepan over low heat and stir until melted and smooth. Pour into a lightly buttered 1 liter-capacity dish and set aside to cool to room temperature. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 hours or until firm enough to roll.
Roll teaspoonfuls of the mixture into rough balls. Press a hazelnut into the middle and roll to enclose.
Place the cocoa on a baking tray, place the truffles on the tray and gently shake to coat.

* place the hazelnuts on a baking tray and roast in a preheated 180°C/350°F oven for 5 minutes or until lightly golden. Place the hot hazelnuts in the fold of a tea towel and rub back and forth to remove the skins.

Makes 40 – I halved the recipe and got 25 truffles