I'm not anticipating any disasters tomorrow, nor should you. But just in case, Woman's Day has graciously provided me with a few more links ...
Solutions for 11 Thanksgiving Disasters - Quick fixes for everything from gluey mashed potatoes to "help, the dog ate my turkey" ... let's hope no one needs that particular tip!
10 Ways with Leftover Turkey - Ten quick and easy way to re-purpose your leftover bird
Personally, I will be in a vegetative state on Friday ... my feet will be up and I'll be firmly glued to the couch having a much needed rest after the madness. If you're planning to brave the crowds and begin your holiday shopping, this link is for you ...
Whether you're cooking or dining elsewhere tomorrow, I wish you all a wonderful, blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving! May your plates be full and your belt be loose! ~wink~
I'll be back with a full recap on Monday.
Bon appetit!