Sausage and Pepper Scramble

click the image to see the challenge!

It's been kind of a low-key week here at our place... as I'm feeling a bit under the weather.  Thus, we opted for an "easier" recipe from the Food Network chef, Cat Cora.  Apparently, she was the first female Iron Chef.  Cool.

Sausage and Pepper Scramble - Adapted from Cat Cora

5-6 turkey breakfast sausages, cut into bite-sized pieces
1 medium red pepper (we used yellow)
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tomato, diced (we omitted, since we didn't want to make a trip to the store)
2-4 eggs (we used 2, Cat recommends 4)
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 C Monterery Jack cheese :)  (our addition)

Begin by cooking the sausage bites until browned.

Then, add in the diced pepper and chopped onion.

{we used minced onion}

Saute until veggies are crisp/tender.  Then, add in the lightly beaten eggs, along with the salt and pepper, to taste.

Lightly scramble as the eggs cook.

Add in the cheese :)

Serve warm!

We served ours with grilled hash brown potatoes -- they were especially yummy mixed all together.