Healthy Tailgate Foods

Fall football season is in full swing, despite the fact that baseball is still going on (is it just me, or do all the sport seasons run together so we never get a break!?!?!). Where is the synchronized swimming season?!?! (for those of you who don't know ... I am a synchronized swimmer).

Being in a college town... and by town I mean a town where the population grows by nearly 40,000 students each year when school rolls around again... means you cannot escape football, basketball, and hockey seasons. Thus, we need lots of good, healthy recipes for the year-long sporting events ;-)

One thing Frog Prince and I love doing is having International students over to watch the game -- treating them to tailgate food, and teaching them (and me) the rules of the game.

For the big square-off in our state we made homemade pizzas!

The girls loved making the pizzas, learning how to use the oven and getting to enjoy a healthier version of a traditional football Saturday snack.

If we don't go all out for the pizzas, we love munching on:

Dried fruit (and this year I can't wait to make apple chips!)

Nut-Free Trial Mix

Cheesy Crackers

Ranch Pretzels

Broccomole Dip


Black Bean Dip!

The dips are excellent with Multi-grain chips, or veggies, or with homemade pita chips (recipe below)!

Homemade Pita Chips - SnoWhite

1 package of whole wheat pitas, slip open
garlic salt
parsley, dried (to taste)
*optional seasoning: lemon pepper

Preheat your oven to 350.

Spread each pita with a light layer of butter and cut into quarters. Place onto a cookie sheet. Sprinkle with garlic salt and dried parsley (or lemon pepper).

Bake for 10-12 minutes until browned (watch carefully so they don't burn!).

Cool completely and then enjoy. Store any leftovers in an airtight container for 3-4 days.

Happy football/basketball/hockey/gymnastics/soccer/swimming/baseball season!

For more recipes, check out URS: Healthy Appetizers & Snacks!