Pineapple Muffins

A delicious and refreshing muffin that is very filling; perfect for breakfast!

Pineapple Muffins

1 recipe no-oil muffins; only 1/8 C milk

1- 8oz can crushed pineapple, undrained; divided
1 C grated carrots
1/2 C oats
brown sugar

Mix together muffins, adding juice and 3/4 of the crushed pineapple before milk. Add milk to get to the muffins to the right consistency.

Stir in the carrots and oatmeal.

Optional "Upside-down" version:
In each greased muffin tin sprinkle brown sugar and a spoonful of pineapple.

Pour muffins into muffin tins and bake at 350 25-35 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. I ended up baking mine longer than 30 minutes because the muffins were still gooey (because they are so dense). But, they turned out great -- just needed more time.

Remove from muffins tins right away and cool upside down, if you made the upside-down version.


This recipe is linked to Tasty Tuesday!