You don't even need a fancy ice cream maker to try this recipe -- the original recipe is ice-cream maker-less! We tried it in our ice cream maker -- so I've put those directions below too.
Orange Sherbet
1 1/2 C OJ
3/4 C sugar
3 C milk, scalded and cooled
1 can (16oz) crushed pineapple in natural juices
To Scald Milk (in case you're like me and have no idea what to do):
To scald means to just barely bring to a boil. Thus, put your milk in a pan.... and heat until bubbles begin to form on the edges. Then, remove the pan from the heat and allow the milk to cool. One might want to scald milk to aid in the process of dissolving sugars, for example (as is likely the case in this recipe). To prevent burning -- heat over a medium heat, stir frequently and don't walk away from the milk ;-) You might also choose to heat it in the microwave in a glass pan... to avoid scorched milk.
To make sherbet:
In a bowl, mix together orange juice and sugar and stir to combine.
Add milk, and mix well.
Ice Cream Maker Version
Assemble unit and pour mixture into the maker. Allow the mixture to "make" for about 10 minutes or so -- until slightly "mushy". Then, add in the pineapple and juices and allow the ice cream to continue to mix until done (about 10-15 additional minutes). Serve right away as a softer serve, or freeze for a harder serve. [This recipe makes about 2 qts.... my ice cream maker only makes 1.5 qts... so I decreased the OJ, milk and sugar just a bit so it would fit in my maker!]
Non-Ice Cream Mixer Version
Place mix in a chilled shallow baking pan; freeze until mushy. Then, place semi-frozen mix in a bowl and whip. Add pineapple and juices. Return to pan and freeze.
Check out more cool recipes at Cooking 4 Monkeys!