Cookbook Deadline March 31st

Children are the Future – BloggerAid Invests in Children!!

You may have heard that BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine is publishing a cookbook !!!

We are very pleased to announce that a program has been selected that targets children and education through the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations frontline agency. One of WFP’s largest areas of assistance is called School Meals. Through this program, a meal is provided to children in schools where there are low attendance rates with a particular focus on schools that have a significant lack of children attending, especially girls. The goal in poorer communities worldwide is to provide a hot, nutritious meal as an incentive for parents to send their children to school rather than keeping them at home working. An education is the best thing we can give our kids to break the cycle of hunger and poverty and for both boys and girls alike to become contributing members of society.


• 75 million primary school-aged children do not go to school
• 97 percent of them are in developing countries
• 57 percent of them are girls
• 150 million children drop out of school before attaining basic primary education

With projects like School Meals, we are very excited to have the opportunity to contribute to this program of the WFP through BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine.

Encouragingly, the group of talented bloggers committed to the BloggerAid Cookbook project is growing by the minute!!! We have now reached a milestone of over 100 members.

At the request of some of our new members, who are just as excited about this ambitious project as we are, we have decided to extend the deadline until the end of March. We know that we are all busy and you may not have found the time to submit a recipe for the cookbook yet. The new logo is based on a few of the recipes submitted so far. Feel free to use this logo in your post. So keep those recipes coming in!!! The sooner the better so that you are assured of being published in the book.

Children are our future, so 100% of the proceeds from the sales of the cookbook will be channeled to the School Meals Program.

We are continuing to brainstorm about new BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine initiatives and would love to have your input.

You don't need to be a member of BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine to submit a recipe. You just need a willingness to share your love of food from around the world and want to be involved in raising awareness and money for this program. There is no cost to you – just a sense of satisfaction that comes from participating in this exciting project and seeing your name and recipe in print.

You may post about your recipe without revealing the ingredients...the cookbook will be the round-up where your recipe will be published. Once the cookbook has been published you can publish your recipe wherever you will always be yours and you will always receive full credit.

What if my photo skills are not up to cookbook standards? Submit a photo anyway because we are our own worse critics aren't we? Don't let that stop you!!! But, if you would like, one of our team members will recreate your recipe and photograph it for you. Email your recipe in a plain text Word document along with a photo of your dish to bloggeraid(AT)gmail(DOT)com by March 31st, the deadline for receiving recipes. Let's get the word out!!!!!

More information can be found in the forum of our Social Network, BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine.

Complete details are here . Everything you need to know to submit a recipe.

Remember you don't need to be a member to participate!!!

Deadline for Submissions ....March 31st