We Turn Another Page

Start submitting your recipes!!

Giz of Equal Opportunity Kitchen and myself Val of More Than Burnt Toast unveiled our ambitious project for our Social Network BloggerAid-Changing the Face Of Famine to launch our cookbook. Food is our medium and taking a role in alleviating world famine is our mission. Our wish is that you will share our excitement and help make a difference to our world by joining us on this journey.

We have announced our largest fundraiser to date ever!!!! With the help of Gloria Chadwick from Cookbook Cuisine , a member of BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine , we will be publishing a cookbook with 100% of the profit from sales being directed to our chosen agency. The funds we raise will be directed to specific programs of the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations front line agency. The needs are great and choosing a specific effort is currently being negotiated.

Who will contribute to this cookbook?

The cookbook is targeted for sale on Amazon by November/December 2009. There is a great deal of work involved in delivering this project and we will rely on you to help in any way you can. We will keep you informed every step of the way on BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine!!!!

Rules to follow:

1) Submit ONLY ONE recipe in the format given. You will find the Recipe Style Format to be used on the forum page of Bloggeraid-Changing the Face of Famine. You MUST use this format to make it easier for us to edit and itemize each recipe for the cookbook. Send your submission to bloggeraid AT gmail DOT com with your e-mail. Send your submission to bloggeraid AT gmail DOT com with your e-mail subject being one of the categories below. Please include your URL to your recipe, a photo of your dish, your email and your country of origin. (Only your Name, Blog Title and country will appear in the cookbook)

Choose one category:

Breakfast and Brunch
Appetizers & Hors d’oeuvres
Main Dishes
Vegetarian Dishes
Salads & Dressings
Soups & Stews
Candy & Cookies
Cakes & Pies
Jam & Preserves

2) It's also very important to write your recipe as a plain text Word document, with no codes or formatting and to submit your recipe as an attachment to our e-mail address bloggeraid AT gmail DOT com. (The person who will typeset the recipes will thank you from the bottom of his/her heart for this). One little wayward code can throw the whole thing out of whack.

3) It MUST be an ORIGINAL recipe to avoid any copyright issues. The cookbook will have an international flair so represent your country if you so wish. We are a group of bloggers from almost every country of the world!!!!

4) In one or two months you agree to receive a recipe chosen randomly to TASTE TEST for the cookbook. We will of course take in mind any allergy and vegetarian issues. To taste test a recipe would mean to verify that all measurements and instructions are accurate and that the recipe works without glitches.

5) This is critical!!!!! Do NOT post your recipe on your blog. We want people to have an incentive to purchase the cookbook. You may post a photo of your dish to create interest for your own blog as well as writing a description of what you have prepared, or why you have prepared it, anything like an introduction to your recipe but without revealing the ingredients. Your photo must be clear and in living colour!!!!The deadline for submitting recipes is the 12th February, 2009.

6) Please mention this event with a link back to this post on your site as well as a link to Bloggeraid-Changing the Face Of Famine so more people will be aware of what we are trying to accomplish.

7) You don't have to be a member of Bloggeraid-CFF to submit a recipe.

8) By submitting a recipe, you give BloggerAid-CFF permission to publish your enclosed recipe for its cookbook project understanding the proceeds of the cookbook will support the programs of the WFP. You further understand that no royalties will be awarded to me for my recipe submission. You also understand that all recipes and photos submitted will be considered but may not be published in the cookbook and you undertake that you will not publish the recipe anywhere else (blog, forum, social network, magazine, newspaper etc., before the publication of the cookbook.

All submitted recipes become the temporary property of BloggerAid-CFF and will not be returned.

*All photographs submitted will be considered but may not be included in the BloggerAid-CFF cookbook due to page limits.

To recap:

- Choose a category.
- Choose ONE original recipe and type in plain text of a Word document following the recipe format found on the BloggerAid-CFF forum.
- Post on your blog a photo of your dish, a description of your dish but not the actual recipe.
- Send us the post URL, your recipe in Word, photo of your dish, your country and name as you want it to appear.
- agree to waiver

Submit your recipes and let's get this party started!!!!

Our vision is a world which provides for and protects the welfare and human dignity of all of its people. A world in which all children can grow, learn and flourish, developing into healthy, active, caring members of society.