Lemon Meringue Pie Recipe

I give credit to lemon meringue pie as the true beginning of my fascination with making pies. After discovering the tart, creamy treat as a teenager I decided that I wanted to learn how to make it for myself. Thus began my journey in pie making.

It can be a little intimidating looking at the directions, but it's not hard so much as quick moving. I recommend having all of your ingredients out and ready before you get started. It's well worth the effort!
1-1/4 cups sugar
6 Tbs. cornstarch
3 eggs, separated
1/4 tsp. grated lemon rind (optional)
1/4 tsp. salt
1-1/2 cups boiling water
6 Tbs. lemon juice (freshly squeezed is extra good)
2 Tbs. butter
Baked 9-inch pie shell (see this recipe for the best crust ever)

First get the water boiling. In a separate saucepan combine sugar, salt, and cornstarch. Blend well. Place over medium heat and add the boiling water, stirring rapidly until smooth and thick. Bring to a full boil to thoroughly cook the cornstarch. Remove from heat. Add a little of the hot pudding to the egg yolks while stirring rapidly. Return egg mixture to hot pudding and reheat, stirring constantly, just until smooth. Remove from heat and add lemon juice, rind, and butter. Stir until combined. Pour filling into baked pie shell.

For meringue: Beat the egg whites on high speed adding 6 Tbs. of sugar gradually while beating. Continue beating until mixture stands in stiff peaks. (You'll want to watch it carefully, because it is possible to beat egg whites for too long and lose the creamy texture). Pile on hot lemon filling; seal well to edge of crust. Bake at 375° for about 15 minutes or until delicately browned. Cool thoroughly before serving, preferably at least 4 hours.
