Bloggeraid...Because We Can Help

Over the past few weeks and months you have heard bits and pieces of exciting objectives in the works...have you heard the wheels turning from one continent to another? To use Giz own words:

"To say that we live in a time of uncertainty is stating the obvious. As optimistically as we face each day, we are also reminded that our world is taking a bit of a roller coaster ride. In some way, each of us is affected – some, more than others.

Do I want to ring a bell of doom and gloom? Absolutely not!!! What I do want is for us to remember that as food bloggers, the fact that we’re cooking, baking, taking pictures and sharing our creations with one another means that we still have enough food on our tables. How lucky we are!

The concept of “enough food on the table” is certainly not shared by everyone in this world. The aid that was present for many from the “have” countries may not be so readily available. We’ve already seen the price of essentials such as rice and flour soar. If we have little control, imagine what happens to those who were without control to begin with?"

ONE... Our first initiative is the announcement of our Social Network BloggerAid-Changing the Face of Famine

Giz of Equal Opportunity Kitchen and I have decided to join forces and create a concrete force of international bloggers who will stand up to be counted, called Bloggeraid-Changing the Face of Famine. Here foodies and bloggers alike can come together to discuss their ideas, and raise awareness on this key issue. Being a Member or an Ambassador of our social network, you’ll have a place to come to discuss your ideas, get new ideas and answer or ask questions. There is a LIVE CHAT where you will meet all your friends, share your thoughts and discuss everyday matters. If you are interested in joining click on the Badge in the right hand sidebar and get started!!!!!!

Through our efforts we are looking for ambassadors in as many countries as possible to become the representatives of their corner of the world. It’s not necessary to have just one ambassador per country. If you feel you have a contribution to make we really would love to hear from you.

Your contribution as a Member or an Ambassador could be...but not limited to:

1) As simple as raising awareness on your blog for world hunger
2) Hosting an event that connects with this key issue (we have already had several volunteers!!!)
3) Hosting a fundraiser small or large that can generate money for the World Food Programme , the United Nations' frontline agency
4) Drawing media attention to all of our efforts
5) Provide something that can be auctioned through our forum... a cookbook or any other object of your choice that may be for this purpose with proceeds to be noted as a donation by your country (It is exciting to note we already have some donations as well!!!!)
6) Endorsements by people in the food business... chefs, restaurateurs, publishers of cookbooks, critics, online food based programs or communities.

These are just a few thoughts as we are open to all ideas and suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Each of us brings a particular skill or passion to the table as do each of you. What does that mean to each individual blogger? It could mean nothing more than helping create awareness as mentioned previously or it could mean a greater involvement in helping to raise money for the World Food Programme , the United Nations' frontline agency in the fight against global hunger.

We would love you to join us!!!!!!!
TWO...Our second initiative is the brainchild of Giz, of Equal Opportunity Kitchen, who has joined forces with myself Val of More Than Burnt Toast in creating our jewelry line. Our goal is to move toward a more concrete way of helping those who are less fortunate than we are. Specifically, we are working toward raising money for the World Food Programme (WFP). A thank you goes out to Giz for her creative line of bookmarks, key rings and cell phone charms with a foodie based theme. These items can be purchased and sent anywhere in the world. They would make great presents for the holidays! For your convenience, we will be putting up an easy purchase option (PayPal) in a few days. With each purchase, a donation is being deposited to a bank account monitored by Kopiaste, myself and Equal Opportunity Kitchen. These items will be updated regularly so keep coming back to see what’s new here at Giz's site.

For prices, payment and shipping instructions visit Giz here

We'll also keep you posted on how much we're raising.

THREE... Giz is holding this months event Bloggeraid...Because We Can Help. Equal Opportunity Kitchen invites you to lend your support by submitting a recipe that you could feed a hungry guest visiting your home during the holidays.

The post you’re submitting should appear on your blog between today and December 28th. Please include a link to this post as well as the BloggerAid ribbon near the top of this post. If you’d like to participate, just send :

Your name
A picture of your recipe together with the recipe

Email to:bloggeraid(at)gmail(dot)com

We Can Help Change The World