Pumpkin Wild Rice Soup with No Croutons Required

Autumn is the perfect time of year!!!It is an inbetween season where it is not really cold and not really warm. The air has that certain woodsy fragrance with a little nip to bite your nose early in the morning and my world is seen through multihued glasses of red and russet. If you haven't already gathered it is THE season and my favourite by far!!!!! I love to bring the warm cozy blankets and sweaters out of hibernation and sit curled up on the couch in front of the fire with a book...or better yet a cookbook.

So in the theme of comfort I am submitting this delicious soup to this months vegetarian blogging event No Croutons Required . The founders of this event are the talented duo Holler of Tinned Tomatoes and fellow Canadian Lisa of Lisa's Kitchen. Each month they are looking for our vegetarian soups or salads with the theme for this month being HEARTY VEGETARIAN SOUPS. Both of these ladies follow a vegetarian and healthy lifestyle which is evident in each of their feature stories. They have heard me say this before but they are both such sweeties that I have to participate in their event as often as I can...and I will say it again!!

This recipe is based on one I found from Jamie Oliver. He says his inspiration was a cross between Laksa which is a kind of brothy noodle stew made with chicken and coconut milk and Mulligatawny which is made from rice, curry sauce and minced meat. This is a vegetarian event so we will omit the meat. This even goes one step further being Vegan as I mentioned earlier. If you’re feeling a little bit theatrical, like I was, feel free to take the lid off the pumpkin, scoop out the flesh, and serve the soup in the pumpkin shell. Serve the soup in warmed bowls or pour it back into the pumpkin shell. If you’re going to do this, put the pumpkin shell into the oven to warm it through first. It’s a great show-stopper for dinner parties. Finish sprinkled with the coriander leaves, or some extra sliced fresh chili, or grate over some fresh coconut if you have it.

If you don't like overly spicy dishes watch out for the chilies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

** Pumpkin Wild Rice Soup**

600g/1lb 6oz/2 cups pumpkin puree
1-3 chilies, deseeded and finely sliced (depending on your tastes)
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely sliced
2 pieces of fresh ginger, peeled
3 sticks of lemongrass, outer leaves removed
a large handful of cilantro
1 tsp five-spice powder (cinnamon, ground pepper, cloves)
1 tsp ground cumin
olive oil
1 white onion, peeled and finely sliced
565ml/1 pint/4 cups vegetable stock
100g/1/2 cup basmati rice ( I used wild rice)
1 (400mL) cans coconut milk
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
juice of 1 or 2 limes
1 fresh red chilli, sliced (optional)
fresh coconut, grated (optional)

To make the fragrant soup base chop or run through the food processor the chilies, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, cilantro, five-spice powder and cumin. Remove any stringy bits that may remain in the pulp. Put this fragrant mixture into a pan with a little oil. Add finely sliced onion and cook gently for about 10 minutes to release the flavours. Add the pumpkin and the stock to the pan. Stir frequently. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer with the lid on for about 15 minutes. Add the rice and stir well. Continue to simmer with the lid on until the rice is cooked, then remove the lid. Add the coconut milk, stir again, taste and season carefully with salt and pepper. To give it a bit of sharpness add the lime juice - the amount will depend on how juicy your limes are.

Serves 6 - 8