Photo of the Day

I hope that you all had a wonderful Mothers Day...breakfast in bed, flowers, your every wish granted and catered to...wink...wink... or, if not that you made your own Mothers day by giving her a phone call or making her dinner...the list is endless!! It is always nice to be appreciated in even the smallest of ways. My daughter took us on a picnic up Knox Mountain. When I say us, she has a friend visiting from Australia who is taking a tour across Canada after university.

If this photo looks familiar it is taken at the same place as my header photo looking north up Lake Okanagan.

The yellow flower is a Spring wildflower...Arrowleaf Balsamroot. You know Spring has arrived when these sunflowery faces dot the hillsides. They are very abundant in our dry interior. I have never seen so many, the fields along the trails were almost completely covered in bright yellow blooms.
Did you know... the Arrowleaf Balsamroot is the official flower of Kelowna?
This is my photo of the day...I will be cooking up a storm later in the week!!