Moroccan Grilled Chicken with Preserved Lemon

You may remember about 3 weeks ago I decided to make some Moroccan Preserved Lemons with some Meyer lemons I discovered at one of our local grocers. Many Moroccan and Middle Eastern recipes call for preserved lemons. These are lemons that have been pickled in salt and their own juices. It is quite easy to do but does take about 3 weeks to a month before they are ready to be used. There are of course other recipes that speed up the process and you don't have to use Meyer Lemons if they are not available; you can certainly use the more common Eureka lemon. the old adage goes, "Good things come to those who wait." I have waited and now let the good times roll!!!

I have been searching out some summertime recipes to use these special preserves since tagine and comfort food season is over for me.. unless we should get some unseasonably cold weather. In our semi-desert climate this is not likely to happen, but then nothing is impossible! I came across a delicious lemon preserve marinated chicken with an herby lemon dipping sauce that fit the bill perfectly. This recipe is the Queen of summertime meals for this least it is on the list. This reminds me of a roasted chicken recipe I had recently with a salty dipping sauce. Believe me it tastes fantastic!!!!!!!!

This time around I served it up with Buttery Potato Parcels (recipe to come), and a slice of homemade Garlic Bread for a quick and clean up free barbequed meal!! I marinated the meat before I went to work to speed up the process. Bring on summer!!!!!!

**Moroccan Grilled Chicken with Preserved Lemon**

1 small chicken, jointed into barbecue pieces
2 T olive oil
1 preserved lemon, washed and chopped, skin and pith only
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground saffron or turmeric
1 T paprika
1 tsp crushed chili

For the dipping sauce

4 T coriander, chopped
4 T parsley, chopped
3 spring onions, finely chopped
3-4 T lemon pickling brine

Trim the chicken pieces neatly and combine with the rest of the marinade ingredients in a roomy bowl. Cover loosely and leave in a cool place for a few hours, overnight if possible.

Preheat the grill or barbecue. It should be moderately hot. Shake the excess moisture off the chicken joints and grill until the juices run clear, test through the thickest part with a skewer.

Meanwhile combine the ingredients for the first dipping sauce, and leave to infuse.

Serve the grilled chicken with the dipping sauce on the side.