HoneyB of The Life and Loves of Grumpy's Honeybunch challenged us to come up with mentioning a few of the recipes we have managed to try in LOOK WHAT I MADE.


1. List the names of 2-5 recipes you tried from other blogs. Provide a direct link to the recipe. If not available, give the blog link and let the reader search for the recipe by name.
2. Shortly describe your experience with the recipe.
3. Tag 3-5 other bloggers or the authors of the recipes you listed to post the links to the recipes they have tried from other bloggers. Note: If you are new to the blogging world and haven’t had a chance to try any recipes from your fellow foodies, just pass the tag on to someone else.
4. Notify the tagged bloggers about the tag either by leaving a comment on their blogs or by emailing them.

Each and every day when I venture online and visit my favourite blogs I come across a recipe or two that I bookmark to try .....someday. The list is getting larger and larger as we speak for all of us!!! Most of these recipes I haven't had the fortune of trying yet, but my list is slightly smaller by having tried the recipes below. It is time to get some of those recipes out of the bookmark stage and into these pages.....I am working on that!!! I was surprised that I had so few to offer. I apologize to all my foodie friends whom I couldn't mention in this post because I haven't gotten around to making their dishes.

Jessy (and her dog Winnie), the talented 15 year old of Baking Blondie , had a recipe for one of my favourite breakfast foods on her site. Crumpets .Here is her original recipe for crumpets as well. Can't you just imagine all the nooks and crannies dripping with melted butter!!! These crumpets or pikelets as we call them are better than my original recipe. So this is a keeper!!

Julia's site A Slice of Cherry Pie is coming to us from England. Julia is a talented cook. Her recipe for Jersey Royal Potatoes with Feta Watercress Sauce .This is Julia's original recipe for these delectable potatoes . Although we do not have Jersey potatoes here in Canada the watercress feta sauce was fantastic on our new potatoes!!! Another keeper!!!!!!!

I was drawn to a recipe by Amber of Amber's Kitchen . This Explosive Turtle Cheesecake is bound to be a favourite in our household.This is Amber's original recipe for cheesecake here. One of my daughters favourite desserts is another version, but I do like this chocolate cheesecake version as well.

Peter, in Toronto...my old stomping grounds... at Kalofagas prepared my all time favourite snack dolmades . He baked these dolmades in the oven so I had to try this method. You can find Peters original recipe here complete with lip-smacking photos and step by step photographs.

I couldn't resist Blueberry Stuffed French Toast. This French toast recipe comes from Lisa of Lisa's Vegetarian Kitchen . This was an excellent dish for this particular special occasion or for any breakfast when you want to feel special.

So who is tagged for this MEME. The 5 bloggers whose dishes I have had the good fortune to prepare. If you have time this is a fun MEME!

Jessy of Baking Blondie
Julia blogging from A Slice of Cherry Pie
Amber of Amber's Kitchen
Peter at Kalofagas