Taste & Create Bacon Wrapped Chicken Logs

There are a few events in the blogosphere that I try not to miss. One such event is the brainchild of Nicole (aka Myamii) over at For the Love of Food . She is a young mom from the States who has been living in Germany for the past 5 years. I love to visit her site for all the delicious recipes as well as tidbits on how to get more traffic to our own blogs. She is very generous and always helpful whenever I have a question...or two. She even has an on-line store with wonderful kitchen gadgets and gourmet foods. If you haven't had the chance to visit please take the time...you will be glad you did.

The premise of the Taste & Create event is simple

... we are paired with another blogger
... we choose a recipe from their extensive posts
...we prepare the dish and then
... blog about it.

I love this event because I am able to showcase someone else's blog, a favourite dish or just "chat up" a friend. The blogosphere is filled with delicious recipes that are piling up waiting for me to try. It's time to get some of them out from the blogosphere and into my kitchen!!!! Taste & Create allows me to to do just that each and every month!!! What could be better!

This month I have been paired with the very talented Elizabeth from my old stomping grounds of Toronto, Ontario where she lives with her husband. To use her own words "We adore good food and get great pleasure from dining outdoors in our garden. We have gathered together a rather extensive collection of recipes and altered them to make them our own. " It was very easy to choose a dish from her blog Blog From Our Kitchen , because we have such similar tastes in food. Nicole has done an excellent job of pairing me with foodies all these months!!

In my attempts to hurry summer along I have been barbequing whenever I have a free moment. Anyone who reads my blog even once will already be aware of my two loves...chicken and potatoes. Elizabeth and her husband T have been making this barbequed dish over and over again for family and friends. Their version is here .

The Verdict: The dish turned out beautifully. I cooked it on the barbeque on a piece of aluminum foil only because I was afraid of flareups with the bacon and did not want to stand over the grill. ( I had to get the rest of the meal ready....well....set the table...because there really was nothing else to do!!) The bacon keeps the boneless chicken breast really moist and flavourful. I paired them with some simple barbequed potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil and the tabbouleh salad I had prepared this morning. At the end of the meal I threw away the aluminum foil and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Now this is summer cooking at its FINEST!!!!!!

Addendum: Elizabeth is right...this makes wonderful finger food for a picnic as well. I took it for lunch the next day and it was was delicious cold as well.

**Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Logs**

boneless chicken breast
goat cheese
basil pesto
oven dried tomato (optional)
toasted pinenuts (optional)
salt & pepper
A couple of hours before grilling, put the chicken breast between two pieces of plastic and pound it flat.

Spread on some goat cheese and pesto.

Add capers and salt & pepper. Add chopped oven-dried tomato and toasted pinenuts if using.
Roll into tight logs and wrap with bacon.

Wrap each log tightly with plastic and refrigerate for at least two hours.

Barbecue at medium heat with the lid down. Turn the logs to get bacon crispy all over. It’s done when the bacon is crispy and golden.

Serve sliced, either hot or cold. This is great picnic fare!