Nice matters......and a Hello to Uncle Hyb

Thanks to Rosie of Rosie Bakes a "Peace" of Cake for nominating me for the Nice Matters award. It was such a nice surprise to be the recipient of this award this morning. It is a great way to start my holidays I would say. Rosie lives in the area of England that my parents are from so it's nice to reminisce. She speaks my language :D
It is wonderful that this recognition award can come full circle and resurface once in a while. I had received this award last year, but, it is always nice to have my fellow bloggers feel that I am helpful in their journey through "blogdom"....with a wry sense of humour and a smile :D. Rosie nominated one of my favourites Pixie of You Say Tomato...I Say Tomato who in turn nominated two of my favourite bloggers already... Peter from Kalofagas and Ivy of Kopiaste. I have nominated 5 of my favourite fellow bloggers in the past here . I am very happy to carry on the sentiment to some of my favourite bloggers.

In the past year that I have been blogging I have been embraced by so many of you who have a passion for food and life as I do. In the spirit of "paying it forward" I am awarding this to 5 more deserving bloggers. They are always there ,with so many others, with their kind words and encouragement as well as wonderful recipes and ideas. You can pass it on if you wish or just cherish it knowing that you are well thought of and appreciated :D

The Nice Matters Award has been passed on since 2007. "This award will be awarded to those that are just nice people , good blog friends and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others that are there to lend support or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world! " Thank you Genevieve for being our inspiration!

And the Oscar goes to....whoops...wrong awards....and the nominees are.....

Gloria of Canela's Kitchen lives in Chile with her family and loves to share her traditional (and not so traditional recipes) with us. I love her spirit for life :D
Nicole of For the Love of Food . She is the founder of one of my favourite events in the blogging world Taste & Create. She lives in Germany and is taking Turkish cooking classes...I want to be there too :D
Marie of Proud Italian Cook lives in the "windy" city and wows us with per passion for Italian cuisine.
Lindsay Country Girl City Living lives in New York City...the city that never sleeps.
Nuria of Spanish Recipes lives in Spain and loves to share all her traditional Spanish recipes with us. Ola from Canada !!! I love all your Special Dressings (music)!!!

And a great big hello to My Uncle Hyb in Lincolnshire who reads my blog on occasion :D