Rustic Pork Roast with Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes, an Award and a Rambling

One more post before we head for the Great White North of British Columbia for our spa "Couch Potato Weekend" with my co-workers. It is always such a wonderful time to get to know each other on a more personal relaxing as well! It is sad to say but I will miss my blogging in the mornings for the entire weekend. Some of you may relate to that because I really do enjoy my time on the computer in the morning!! Yes I do!!!

Being a member of the blogging world has been an eye-opening experience. We moved to British Columbia from eastern Canada and the major city centre of Toronto. I have lived in many areas, in different provinces of the country and I have discovered 2 things over the years. Number one is that people are the same everywhere whether you live in a large city centre or in a small community. And secondly, for the most part, especially in Southern Ontario ,you are never far away from a major metropolis where you can find all manner of foods and cultural cuisine and ingredients. The cheese shops, charcuteries, specialty and ethnic shops abound in the large centres.

When I moved to the valley 13 years ago I missed Toronto and all its cultural diversity. I could find anything I wanted there and a trip on the "Go Train" would get me into the heart of the city to the Danforth for the best souvlakia and tzatziki in the country, Yorkville with its upscale boutiques and first class restaurants ... Cabbagetown, Chinatown, The name it. There was probably a myriad of opportunities that I had yet to discover. Upon moving to a small community with a population of 100,000 I missed out on all of that for years, but eventually came to terms with the "out of site out of mind" philosophy. If you can't find it here you don't need it. Upon entering the blogging world I am reopening new doors that have been closed for years. I am learning about new foods and diverse cuisine, ingredients I have never heard of in my life before. The "out of site out of mind" philosophy is no longer working and I am craving a visit to a large centre to drool over all the abundance of cheeses, breads, specialty foods and ethnic cuisine.

Blogging I have learnt about boudin sausage, Pashmak or Iranian Fairy Floss, and jaggery so far. I am sure there will be many more ingredients I have never heard of!

I have learnt, but probably already knew, that capsicums are peppers, aubergines are eggplants, courgettes are zucchini, scallions are spring onions .The list could go on forever I'm sure of it. There is a whole new world of innovative and interesting cooking out there for the taking!

Nora of Life's Smorgasbord has nominated me for a Nice Matters Award. She has always been a great support to me and I appreciate all her kind words and encouragement over the past 8 months of blogging. I want to pass this award on to Marye , Nikki, Deb, Belinda, Aimee , Holler, and Helene for the same reasons.

On to the recipe. When I lived in Ontario a delicious, succulent pork roast was easy to find. I can still get a nice roast at Costco. This will fill your home with all the wonderful aromas of autumn.

The photo is of my daughter years ago in the Haliburton's.

**Rustic Pork Roast with Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes**

Pork Roast:
4 - 6 lb pork roast
1 head of garlic, minced
2 T fresh parsley, minced
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried thyme
freshly ground black pepper
salt to taste


1 dozen red bliss potatoes
1 head of garlic
3/4 cup chicken broth
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup milk
1 T olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Preheat your oven to 350F.
Cut the top off one of your garlic heads, to expose the individual cloves. Place in the centre of a piece of aluminum foil. Drizzle olive oil over the garlic head. Wrap foil to close securely and bake for 50 minutes. Set aside.
In saucepan cook potatoes with chicken broth. Mash potatoes with butter, Parmesan. 1/2 cup milk, 1 T olive oil, salt and pepper.

Roast Pork:

Preheat oven to 425F.

Blend minced garlic, parsley, oregano and thyme. Using a sharp knife, cut holes in the roast, approximately 1-inch deep, every inch in the entire roast. Fill these pockets with your garlic mixture.

Place in a roasting pan,, with about 1/2-inch of water and season with salt and pepper. Cook for 10 minutes at 425F and then lower the oven temperature to 350F to additional 40 minutes. Baste your roast about every 15 minutes.

When done, remove roast from pan and let sit about 10 minutes before carving to let the roast rest and reabsorb it's juices.

Make a gravy using the drippings from the roasting pan if you desire.