Roasted Radishes

The Spanish first brought radishes to Mexico in the 16th century. Not long after, local farmers began carving their radishes into imaginative shapes to entice customers to visit the market and buy their produce. Some of these radishes are up to 10 pounds. La Noche de Rabanos is an annual celebration held in Oaxaca, Mexico on December 23, where grocers and artisans display their ornate radish sculptures. The grand prize in the radish carving competition is 12,000 pesos or about $1,000.

Radishes are usually thrown into salads or used as a vegetable in your crudites platter ,or, even blossomed into radish flowers for garnishes. I was intrigued by a recipe for roasted radishes on Great Big Veggie Challenge . Charlotte's son loathed vegetables. She created a site to try every vegetable imaginable from A - Z so that Freddie her "new -food -veggie -trying" son could have a chance to indulge. Very ingenious I would say!

I decided to try the roasted radishes from the recipe on her site. Freddie asked, "What kind of potatoes these were?". I love potatoes of all kinds so decided to have "pseudo potatoes.

They had a taste and texture similar to cauliflower. Roasting them does take away the bitter edge to the radish and imparts a sweet flavour.

Don't know who to credit for the photo......

**Noche de Rabanos Roasted Radishes**

750g (20 medium) radishes
6 garlic cloves
2-3 tablespoons of sesame oil
1/2 tsp of mild chili powder
1/2 tsp of smoked paprika powder
a pinch of sea salt
Preheat the oven to 190C (375 ). Cut the radishes in half. Place them in a deep baking tray. Peel the garlic cloves and add them whole.Cover the radishes and garlic in the sesame oil, mild chili powder and smoked paprika. Add a pinch of salt. Stir well to make sure they are coated in the oil and seasonings. Roast in the oven for 30 minutes. Half way through, stir them round to make sure they are evenly cooked. Serve hot.

Charlotte says you can try this with baby turnips and other root vegetables if you prefer.