New Years Countdown....Top 10, 9, 8........HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

Here it is the last day of 2007. It is hard to believe that 11 months of More Than Burnt Toast have gone by let alone another year. Blogging has become a small part of my life which I thoroughly enjoy. Through these months I have met a good many interesting and warm individuals from all over the world. I have appreciated all your comments, encouragement and little tidbits each and every day. It always starts my day off right.

Now how does one commemorate the end of another year? There is always partying and booze!!! I haven't ruled it out...hic!!!

I started this post with high expectations of myself to post about the 10 best for the year of 2007. I could do a post about the 10 best recipes I have found out there in the blogosphere..but how does a person do that with so many choices. The 10 best Blogs? Too many choices once again. The choice was easy really and just count the number of comments and choose the 10 posts that had the most.

The votes are in...not that anyone really voted...but these are the top 10 recipes that generated the most interest in 2007 on More Than Burnt Toast. Not necessarily in order.... there even seems to be a lot of garlic lovers out there!!!

I wish you all the best in 2008. Health...happiness... LOVE... contentment. I hope that the new year is all that you hope for and more!!!!!! Keep all those creative and delicious posts coming!!!!! It really does make my day!!!
Oh..and in case you're wondering about the photo it was taken in Greece of course on the island of Naxos. The restaurant/bars along the waterfront all served their drinks with sparklers. I thought it to be a great advertising got us in...but my daughter and I are gullible....