TGIF My LuckyDay!!!!

Today is my lucky day! I have been tagged for the same MEME by two special ladies out there in the blogosphere. I would like to thank my new found friend Marie of Proud Italian Cook and my mentor Deb of Debs Key West Wine & Garden for tagging me for the "4 Things" MEME. Why is this my lucky day you ask? Firstly to know that people are reading my blog with all it's ramblings and recipes makes my heart do somersaults. The fact that anyone is in the least bit interested in my life and past life is also an honour. Plus the fact that I can kill two birds with one stone and do two MEME's in one!!! So here goes!!
In case you're wondering that is a much younger me and my oldest brother pushing my "dollies" in their buggy.


I grew up in Cambridge Ontario in the 70's. It used to be Galt, Preston & Hespeler until they emalgamated. Sunday was family day and we would go for Sunday drives all over Southern Ontario, have barbeques, you name it...our time was special....

I moved to Calgary when I was 19 with a friend of mine. We hitchhiked across the country and I ended up staying there for 8 years.

I moved back to Ontario and lived in Oshawa with my husband and our new baby. Oshawa is a bedroom community of Toronto. A 40 minute Go-Train ride would get you right into the heart of the city for anything you desired.

We moved to the Okanagan Valley 12 years ago, and remain here. As you can see I have not lived outside of Canada but I have moved back and forth from east to west. I also lived in Corner Brook Newfoundland for about 3 months, but, I didn't think 3 months would cut it to say I had lived there compared to the other Provinces.


I worked for a temp agency and did everything from working for a snow plow operator, catering company and a textile mill in Ontario.

I worked for Hartford Fire Insurance Company at the Calgary Stockyards Building. We insured cattle and once even insured 12 reindeer to the Yukon at Christmas!!

I worked for a Home Support company.

I work for a doctor's office to this day. It is an allergy/respiratory/immunology office for the British Columbia Interior. We have patients from all over the province.




Dolmades - I eat them like candy!!



Western Europe when I was 18. Partly on a Contiki tour and partly backpacking. I celebrated my birthday for an entire week!! Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, France, Belgium, Austria......

Negril Beach, Jamaica. Met many wonderful folks there from all over the United States and Canada. Two glorious weeks on 7 miles of white sand beaches, diving off of cliffs to see underwater caves.....

Cuba! Love this country and would go back in a heart beat!! Definitely head to Havana if you ever get the chance. We drove to Casablanca and discovered all the charm of these wonderful cities!

I talk endlessly about my trip to Greece on this blog, so, instead I will say I have been to Quintana Roo, Mexico. We went on a time share but spent no time at our hotel at all. We were always out discovering the Mayan ruins of the Yucatan Peninsula. I would love to go back or to Manzanillo on the west coast.


This is a hard one, there are so many places I'd rather be. Now don't get me wrong because I love it here, but it is wonderful to see other parts of the world!

Anywhere in Greece sipping raki or gulping Mythos and dancing to the strains of bazooka music overlooking the Agean Sea!!!!!! Lesvos has a cooking school!!!. The experience would tell me if that adventure would compare at all to my 8 glorious days on the island of Kea with Aglaia & Costas and their family and friends at Keartisanal . Picking fresh ingredients from their gardens and making wonderful dishes from the garden and the sea and sharing with their dogs Pope and Melek. I had to get it in there anyway!!!

I would like to be sitting drinking Margaritas at a 1 week cooking school in the heart of Mexico in Tlaxcala (tlas-ka-lah), 2 hours from historical Mexico City. At Mexican Home Cooking with Dona Estela.

Sailing through the Aeloian Islands, a string of seven volcanic islands off the coast of Sicily with side trips to Pompeii and Naples. Soaking in the history and culture.

With Pat & Pailo in their home in Tuscany at La Cucina Povera at their cooking school in Tuscany at Taste Italy sipping wine from the Italian wine regions and making wonderful Italian dishes and pasta to my hearts content.


Holler at Tinned Tomatoes

Marye at Apron Strings & Simmering Things

Aimee at Under the High Chair

Nora at Life's Smorgasbord