Remembering my Mom's Sugar Cookies....

Here it is almost the Christmas season upon us. Christmas you say??? I start Christmas shopping and baking right after Hallowe'en..maybe even before that. I may have even started shopping Boxing Day of last year but .....shhhhhhh.

As a child I remember baking cookies with my mom. One of my favourites to this day are her Sugar Cookies. Mom would roll out the dough and we would cut it into all manner of shapes..Santas, bells, Christmas trees. The dough would be there at Easter, name any holiday and if it could be made into a theme the cookies were there. After the cookies were baked we would allow them to cool (very hard to do even now) and my sister, brothers and I would decorate them with butter icing, dragees and sprinkles; whatever would suite our childlike fantasies.

As soon as my own daughter came into our lives out came the dough. We probably began making these cookies before she could walk. We would cut it into fanciful shapes. It would show up at birthday parties and Hallowe'en decorated to our hearts content.

Not only are these cookies delicious, but I imagine I love them so much because it reminds me of hours spent with my own mom making our creations. The biggest reward was the satisfaction of making something together and seeing the smiling faces all around as we tucked into our special treats. I only have to remember the huge smile on my daughters face, with a little bit of flour on the cheek , and I would make these cookies until I am no longer on this earth!!! I have tried many other recipes for sugar cookies from friends, but, truthfully I LOVE this recipe the most!!!!!

**Gran's Sugar Cookies**

2 cups sifted all purpose flour
½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
2/3 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
2 T. milk
½ tsp. vanilla

Sift first four ingredients. Cream well butter and sugar. Blend in egg, milk and vanilla.

Blend in dry ingredients.

Chill 2 hours. Roll 1/8 inch thick on lightly floured board. Cut into desired shapes with floured cutters.

Bake on ungreased cookie sheets in moderate oven (375 degrees) 10 – 12 minutes.


1/3 cup butter
2 cups sifted icing sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. vanillla
1 T. cream or carnation milk

Cream well butter and sugar. Add remaining ingredients and stir until thick and
creamy. If a thicker frosting is desired for pasting tube directions additional icing
sugar may be added.

Decorate and ENJOY!!!!!!!