Skeletons in the Pantry......My Potluck Potatoes

The talented and innovative Katiez over at Thyme for Cooking has come up with an event that was perfect for this dish. This is the event in her own words.

"Is there something on your holiday table that makes you, well, cringe? Wish to disavow knowledge? Blush with embarrassment? Do you walk to the table, spot an old family tradition and silently groan in pain...before sneaking a big forkful into your mouth? Are you willing to share with the rest of us?

We all make an effort to put our best fork forward this time of year, writing unique and flavorful recipes with perfectly posed photos. But wouldn't you like to know everybody's dirty little secrets? Would you be willing to share yours in exchange?
You all know the foods I'm talking about. There are the recipes that only have 4 words in the directions: Open cans. Combine. Heat. There are the foods that no one outside your own family would actually eat. Like these lovely rutabagas that no holiday meal in my family can be without.There are the foods that we've tried to update to resounding boos and hisses by the entire clan.
Take a break from the serious business of cooking for the holidays. Sometime between now and December 28th do a wee post exposing the skeletons in your own culinary closet. Photos absolutely not necessary and probably wouldn't be available anyway. I mean, why would you take a picture of it? It's not like you'll EVER forget. Recipes optional - you can pretend that you don't know. Change the names of the actual chef to protect your reputation.Stories appreciated. Disasters a bonus!Let's all give each other something to smile, laugh, and commiserate about during these hectic weeks."

These potluck potatoes show up every once in a while on my table. I must admit that I have never taken them to a potluck myself, but, I secretly hope that they will show up at every potluck I attend. I know, I know, but the expectations are too high from my friends. So much pressure!!! They expect spanakopita, dolmades, and things that take hours. They think I have no life...they may be right! I can't bear the disappointment on their faces. In fact I cleverly added them to the potluck we are having this weekend for Doc & Karin's retirement party. After 30 years of the allergy/respiratory practice they are both retiring. They wanted to have an organized potluck so each staff and former staff member are bringing a course....and yes someone is bringing the potatoes. Sneaky is my middle name.

I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these potatoes!!!! They fall under the category open can, bake and serve. You use frozen hash browns so no peeling of potatoes is involved, 1/2 cup of melted butter (although I think the orginal recipe calls for a full cup!!), and a can of mushroom soup. I often make it at home for myself (my family does not appreciate them as much as I do!!!). The potatoes were very shy and blushing so no photo this time around. The potatoes just gave a sigh of relief from being released from the closet. Stand proud!!!! No funny story..just the hall of shame for this dish. For all my friends who DO make this potato dish and bring it to our potlucks...I salute you!! Stand proud!!! ( I love you for it!!!) My finger is hovering and hesitating over the PUBLISH button now....just give me a moment.... I may need some help case you're wondering that is a photo of my sister and I in days gone by...thanks....push.... send....

**Potluck Potatoes**

2 lbs frozen hash brown potatoes, partially thawed (not the shredded kind)
½ cup chopped onion
¼ tsp. pepper
1 tsp. salt
½ cup melted butter
16 ounce carton sour cream
1 can cream of mushroom soup
2 cups sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded
1-1/2 cups crushed cornflakes ( I never put cornflakes on mine, but it is in the recipe)

Combine potatoe and onion ( I saute the onion in the melted butter for 3 - 4 minutes or otherwise I find it is not really cooked through)in a 12 x 9 x 2 inch baking dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Combine sour cream, ¼ cup melted butter, soup and cheese; stir well. Pour over potatoes. Stir lightly.

Combine corn flakes with rest of butter. Sprinkle over potatoes.

Bake uncovered at 350 F for 45 minutes. Will serve 20.

Note: Sheryl sprinkles this with crushed potatoe chips instead of the cornflakes.