You Have Been Voted a "Droolworthy Blogger"...

It was suggested to me by Marye of that I should give out a "Droolworthy Blogger" award. I guess I use the word droolworthy a little too much but sometimes it is the only thing that describes how I feel about a post. Can you believe that is even really a word??? The Urban Dictionary describes it as "something that makes someone overly excited and is worth salivating or drooling over". I like the word itself better. It is kind of like the feeling Marye gets when she reads any recipe that has chipotle peppers. Eh, Marye???? Great suggestion and I can have a little bit of fun along the way and show my appreciation for the hard work and dedication that goes into all your blogs.

A "droolworthy blog" would be a blog who's photos or description of a recipe make you drool and force you to fly to the nearest grocery store to pick up ingredients. Perhaps you just have to immediately PRINT or bookmark the recipe for a future date ..or... as one blogger suggested LICK THE SCREEN!!! It is something you have to have!!!!You can also get a droolworthy award by just darn trying. In my case sometimes recipes are a little camera shy and not at all photogenic. Sometimes the food doesn't last till picture time. You should still be eligible for the award for sheer tenacity.

There are so many "droolworthy" blogs out there it is hard to limit my choice to but a few. Therefore the thing to do would be to accept the award graciously and then pass it along to other "droolworthy" bloggers you know. You can nominate one person or many ; or, choose not to pass it on and keep it to yourself with the knowledge that you are appreciated. I have enjoyed the short time I have been blogging with all the wonderful recipes, hints and insights into day to day life around the globe. The blogging community is a great way to unite all the foodies out there and salute our enjoyment of blogging and our obsession for cooking great food!!!!
I am sorry if I missed you this time...pass it along to others....(NOTE TO SELF: Please limit your speech to 60 seconds...)

And the blogees are (in no particular order).........drum roll please......
Marye at (It was her idea in the first place)
and last but not least Jenn at
Congratulations to all the inventive and talented bloggers out there!!