There Would be No Leftovers if You had Four....

Today is Wednesday and the official end of our summer holidays. It was wonderful being a "tourist in my own town" despite car problems and heat waves. That is what beaches are for!!!! I am still in my own town so can still do all the things tourist flock here for for the remainder of the summer...which is closing fast.....

My daughter came to dinner on Monday night. I find myself always trying to impress her since she is a wonderful cook. Since salmon is her favourite I wanted her to kiss the ground I walk on!! This recipe came from my good friend Lani who is a great cook in her own right. I don't know how she poaches her salmon but the Piquante Sauce is hers.

The photo is taken from the top of Giant's Head in Summerland.

**Poached Salmon with Piquante Sauce**

3 - 4 cups water
1 tsp sea salt
6 black peppercorns
1 lemon, thickly sliced
2 T dill sprigs or 2 tsp dried
1 small onion, thinly sliced (optional)
2 bay leaves (optional)
6 (4 oz) salmon fillets, about 1/2-inch thick

Using a pan large enough to hold salmon, bring to a boil with salt, peppercorns, lemon slices, onion and bay leaves. When boiling, lower heat to a gentle simmer, cover and let flavours infuse for 10 minutes. Add salmon fillets and ensure it is covered. Add additional water if needed.

Cook uncovered, for about 8 10 minutes depending on thickness of fillet. It will flake easily when tested with a fork. Do not let water boil or fish will toughen. Remove salmon, discarding flavouring ingredients. Serve with Piquante Sauce.

Serves 6

**Piquante Sauce**

3 T mayonnaise
1 T chopped fresh dill or 1 tsp dried
1 T milk
1 T capers
2 tsp juice from capers
1-1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
1/4 tsp grated lemon rind
1 tsp lemon juice

Mix all ingredients. Refrigerate until ready to use. Can also be served at room temperature.