Grilled Salmon Between Romaine Lettuce Leaves

No, these are not salmon...although they could
pass for Kokanee which are a land-locked salmon
that thrive in our lakes. These sea bream are also wrapped in grape leaves and not romaine. (To add to the confusion.) Why are their photos there you ask? No real reason except that I didn't have a photo of the salmon, so, opted for the memories of sea bream grilled in grape leaves on the Greek island of Kea. For that matter the salmon could be grilled in grape leaves. Usually grape leaves for culinary purposes need to be picked in the Spring when the leaves are still young and tender, but, for the purposes of this dish they are not being eaten so it wouldn't matter one way or the other.

Anyway, this is my last installment for my weekend BBQ.

**Grilled Salmon Between Romaine Lettuce Leaves**

4 large romaine lettuce leaves

6 tsp olive oil

2 (1-inch thick) salmon steaks or (6 oz) salmon fillets

salt and pepper, to taste

2 T capers

4 sprigs fresh dill

2 lemons ( juiced and 2 sliced, thinly)

2 pieces twine, 3 feet each


Soak twine in hot water for 15 minutes. Rinse salmon in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Repeat the following for each salmon piece. Rinse romaine leaves in water, do not dry. Rub 1 tsp olive oil over the inside (concave) side of each of the lettuce leaves. Place salmon steak in centre of one leaf (concave side up). Add salt and pepper. Pour 1 tsp oil and the juice of 1/2 lemon over salmon, trapping the drippings with the leaf). Top with capers, dill, and one lemon slice. Place second leaf over salmon, fold ends of bottom leaf up to keep juices trapped, and wrap the string around the leaves to seal. Tie string a knot. Place fish on grill over hot coals for 5 minutes. Turn and grill for another 5 minutes. Cooking time will be slightly less for fillets and will vary according to the exact thickness of the steak. Cut string and remove top leaf. (You may want to leave string on for presentation value).

Serve on warmed plates.