Greek-Style Penne with Fresh Tomatoes, Feta & Dill

My mind is drifting again to lazy afternoons sipping raki overlooking azure blue seas, with the strains of bazooka music in the background.....give me a moment......000000 that I am back in reality it is time to wash the supper dishes. (You can see I am working really hard on that..) The farmers market was a great venue for fresh herbs like dill and greenhouse tomatoes for this dish. I live in a condo these days, so, gardening consists of a few flower and herb pots on the patio. Therefore I rely heavily on fresh produce from our local producers.

This is one of my favourite dishes. It is also quick and bonus! The donkeys are on the island of Kea...where I'm drifting off again......

**Greek-Style Penne with Fresh Tomatoes, Feta & Dill**

2 lbs tomatoes, halved, seeded and chopped

1 cup chopped green onions

2 cloves garlic, minced

7 oz feta cheese, crumbled

6 T chopped fresh parsley

1/4 cup chopped fresh dill

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil


Mix the first 6 ingredients in a bowl (through to dill). Set aside.

Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water until just tender, but still firm to the bite, stirring occasionally. Drain. Add hot pasta to tomato mixture and toss to coat. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

For a little extra zing you can also add a sprinkling of hot pepper flakes or use flavoured feta cheeses.