Eat Your Way Across Canada....British Columbia..**Croissant French Toast with B.C. Apples & Ice Wine Whipped Cream**

Happy 140th Birthday Canada!!!!
At last I have reached the Atlantic Ocean and the province of British Columbia in my arm-chair travelling.
British Columbia joined Confederation in 1871.
It has an attractive temperate climate and plentiful salmon fishing areas around the coastal regions. B.C. is also the home of highly popular ski hills, rich orchards and vineyards that have made it an attractive tourist destination.
I have made B.C. my home for the last 13 years living in the valley, a huge agricultural belt.
When I think of British Columbia...ripe fruit and an abundance of produce come to mind. When I was a kid you could order B.C. apples from the Sears catalogue to be shipped all over the world. I also live in a rich and productive wine district. That is why for for my "Eat Your Way Across Canada" hall of fame I have included a recipe that includes B.C. Ice Wine and B.C. apples. Ice Wine is made from grapes harvested as soon as the grapes are frozen on the vines. It has to be -10C for a few days in a row so that they can harvest the grapes in the early hours and crush every drop of juice out of the frozen grapes. This allows for a very sweet and costly dessert wine. They also make Ice Wine in the Niagara Region of Ontario. Some years here in B.C. it does not get cold enough, so, it is not always a good year for Ice Wine.
This is a great breakfast dish to serve guests or family!!!
**Croissant French Toast with B.C. Apples & Ice Wine Whipped Cream**
2 croissants
2 eggs
1/4 cup cream or milk
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 Gala British Columbia apples
1 T butter
2 T brown sugar
pinch of cinnamon
2 T water
2 oz Ice Wine
whipped cream
Saute chopped apples, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon and water and simmer on low heat for 2 - 3 minutes...stew and soften apples.
Whisk eggs, cream or milk, and vanilla in a bowl. Dip halved croissants in mixture. Cook in lightly oiled frying pan on medium heat.
Blend Ice Wine and whipped cream with whisk or in food processor.
Top cooked croissants with apple sauce and Ice Wine Whipped Cream.
Serve and enjoy!!! This recipe serves 2, so it will have to multiply like little rabbits.